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The meeting was called to order on January 4, 2015, at 4:00 at Cliffs. 10 members
were present.
Treasurers report-Account has $3401.72.
Spaghetti Supper-Much discussion was held regarding the upcoming spaghetti
supper. The supper is January 13th with serving from 4:30 to 7:00. Most of the food
will be donated by members with us purchasing remaining items. Last year served
241. This year we are offering carry out and deliver in Manning.
District Contest-March 7th in Manning-For breakfast we will be serving breakfast
burritos and donuts. Dinner will be hot dogs and hot beef sundaes. We will purchase
pop and candy. Workers will be needed for this day. We will be doing the concession
stand but will also help run contests. This will be discussed more at the next
meeting. We are planning on 400-600 people being at the contest.
Hayrack-The 10 ton running gear has been stripped and sandblasted. Discussed
what color to paint the hayrack with red, white, and blue being the favorite. Mr.
Booth is working on an application to get tires from Titan tire.
Next meeting is February 4th at 6:00. We will also be reviewing Iowa Degree
Applications on this night. If contest teams are ready to present, we may have a
few of them to watch as well.

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