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HAZELDALE PTO Board Meeting Minutes

-Meeting minutes prepared by Aimee Cessna and Sheri Orton (PTO Co-Secretaries) -Rachel Smith, PTO President, called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m Attendees: Rachel Smith, Sheri Orton, Aimee Cessna, Angela Tran, John Scheelar. January Meeting Minutes and Budget Approved Principals Corner Promethean Boards: o o Installation was delayed due to concern over asbestos

February 7, 2012

Mrs. Carltons son is a licensed contractor. He came out and measured and marked the location of where the holes need to be drilled by the district so that they can install the boards. Installation is to start mid month.

Presidents Corner Cultural Fair 2.16.12 o Projects to be sorted by continent and placed on stage o o John to send email to the teachers about organization and deadline. Continents will be in both gym and cafeteria

Volunteers to arrive at 11:am and Noon There will be craft activity tables as well as entertainment.

Unaccounted for money research o o Weve learned that 90% of the money within the scripts account was withdrawn Research was noted for future reference should there be additional questions

Fundraising Topics: Chuck E Cheese night will be on either March 22 or April 8 . o Amanda Christmann to finalize the dates.
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Fun Run (Notes shown in totality for event) o o Reviewed another Schools paperwork on their Fun Run to get ideas for the annual Hazeldale Fun Run. The PTO hopes to get $6,000 to $10,000 in donations

The date of the event will be May 10



April 6 there will be a flyer sent home with the students to announce the event On the Wednesday prior to the event, Aimee and Sheri will try to go to each classroom to explain what the Fun Run is all about. April 27 there will be a pledge sheet sent home with the students May 4 Aimee will set up a reminder at the School Assembly and maybe send out another flyer. The day of the event, the pledge sheet will need to be sent home with the students again for collection of the monies. On May 24 , all the pledge sheets and the money collected should be turned in.
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PTO needs to come up with Prizes Rachel was able to located water bottles that cost $2.99 each when ordering 168-249 First prize should be a t-shirt. For example, if the child raises $30 they would get a free t-shirt PTO needs to start pricing T-shirts. A great idea is to have the Hazeldale Hawk running in tennis shoes.

Next prize the amount should be $50, then $100, then $150 which could be a Pizza Party with Angela Tran. Prizes were narrowed down to: Bibs for all runners (Possible donation) Lanyard Water bottles Backpacks w/Hawk and Tennis shoes

Possible Grand Prize could be a Ride in a Limo

Aimee will look into setting up a Google Document so the PTO can gather ideas until the next PTO meeting. Aimee to reach out to Joanna Shrout to have her post something on her blog for the school district perhaps additional ideas will surface. Possible donation contacts 24 HR Fitness Portland Running Company Nike (Amanda and Aimee each have contact) Adidas (Sheri O has contact)

Treasurers Corner Reimbursements 1 Grade Field Trip (In house Audubon Society visit) request Release of 2 half of teacher funds approved Insurance for board approved and seconded Grant request for Literacy Night (scheduled for March 1 ) - $200.00 for prizes in gift cards
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Volunteer Coordinators Corner

Literacy night is scheduled for March 1 , Amanda to pick up gift cards for prizes


Hospitalitys Corner Principle Coffee will be held at school o 3/16 9:00AM

Staff appreciation day Amber to organize o Will need to provide food each day

Secretaries Old Business Reminder to PTO Board Members to obtain their food handlers permits o New Business Talent show Scheduled for March 14 2012 Movie Night April 20 o o o Smurfs Candy and popcorn Tables will be left out
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See update regarding FUN RUN above

Who has them?

Annual Board Elections o o o BOARD MEETING MAY 1, 2012 MAY 17, 2012 5:30 ELECTIONS TO TAKE PLACE School open house following at 6:00pm

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