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HAZELDALE PTO Board Meeting Minutes

-Meeting minutes prepared by Aimee Cessna and Sheri Orton (PTO Co-Secretaries) -Rachel Smith, PTO President, called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m ended at 7:30 pm

January 3rd, 2011

Attendees: Rachel Smith, Sheri Orton, Aimee Cessna, Angela Tran, Julie Hawkins and Amber Krisky. December Meeting Minutes Approved Principals Corner Promethean Boards: o o o Waiting for approval from the Maintenance Department Need to figure out the length of anchors and how to mount to the various walls Scott Orton as a possible Contractor on the job

Presidents Corner Reimbursements approved for the following o o o o Julie Strande~ Holiday Party Supplies Christine Purvis~ Books Rachel Smith ~Pizza Party and Movie Night Amanda Christmann~ Volunteer Badges and Santa Breakfast supplies For future, Amber can help Amanda make new badges. Amber has the machine to do so.

Santa Breakfast was a Success!! Great Job to all the Volunteers. o o Made $700.00 in profit for PTO funds Oregonian published an article about the fun event with Santa (Mr. Scheelar), Dallas Cessna and Brooklyn Cessna pictured in the paper. In the future, Nancy asked for us to rinse out the coffee containers better. PTO owns the coffee containers but out of the kindness of their heart, the Cafeteria staff cleans them for us. Thank you Cafeteria Staff! Sheri Orton will be creating a Thank You card for McDonalds.

February the PTO needs to disburse the second part of funds to the teachers Any volunteer hours done outside of the school, need to be reported to Amanda so she can record them.

Fundraising Topics: Chuck E Cheese night will be on January 18 from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm. o Fun Run o o o Reviewed another Schools paperwork on their Fun Run to get ideas for the annual Hazeldale Fun Run. The PTO hopes to get $6,000 to $10,000 in donations The date of the event will be May 10
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Amanda Christmann will be sending the reminder out to the students.

April 6 there will be a flyer sent home with the students to announce the event On the Wednesday prior to the event, Aimee and Sheri will try to go to each classroom to explain what the Fun Run is all about. April 27 there will be a pledge sheet sent home with the students May 4 Aimee will set up a reminder at the School Assembly and maybe send out another flyer. The day of the event, the pledge sheet will need to be sent home with the students again for collection of the monies. On May 24 , all the pledge sheets and the money collected should be turned in.
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PTO needs to come up with Prizes Possible Donations such as water bottles, zipper tags, t-shirts, etc. First prize should be a t-shirt. For example, if the child raises $30 they would get a free t-shirt Next prize the amount should be $50, then $100, then $150 which could be a Pizza Party with Angela Tran. Possible Grand Prize could be a Ride in a Limo PTO needs to start pricing T-shirts. A great idea is to have the Hazeldale Hawk running in tennis shoes.

Aimee will look into setting up a Google Document so the PTO can gather ideas until the next PTO meeting.

Cultural Fair o o Rachel and Sheri would like to have the projects on February 9 for sorting There needs to be three pieces of information on the back of each project o Students name, Teachers name and Country the project represents

If the teachers cannot get the projects in on time, the PTO would like a count of the projects for planning

purposes o o Treasurers Corner Volunteer Coordinators Corner Hospitalitys Corner Principle Coffee will be held at school o o o Secretaries o Sheri Alloway created a flyer to go out to the students the week of January 8 . Old Business Reminder to PTO Board Members to obtain their food handlers permits o New Business o 5 Grade field trip for Jeld Wen Fitness Day. Cost is roughly $1,070.00 $495 for Transportation $575 for the cost to get in
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PTO decided on entertainment for the event but no food. Rachel Smith and Sheri Orton will meet on January 8 at 1 pm to start to plan

1/13 9:00AM 3/16 9:00AM Would be easier to purchase the food at Costco

The flyer contains information on the Scripts, Campbell Labels and Box Tops GREAT JOB SHERI and THANK YOU!

Who has them?

Try to ask students parents for $10 Field Trip has been approved by the PTO


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