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Name: Shannon C.

Capella Valle

Software Integration Planning Sheet

Grade level: 1st grade
Topic: Compare life now with life in the past
Software(App, Website, online game, CD-ROM)
My software is Plickers (app)
Common Core Standard (
NETS-T Standard ( )
NETS-S Standard ( )
My students have to critical thinking and make decision by using the
worksheet of compare and contrast.
You will be graded on the following:
1) Software Selection: Introduce and demonstrate to your classmates,
the software you selected.
2) Student Sample: Create a sample of what you want the students to
create or complete using the software you provided. Examples can
include but are not limited to: graphic organizer, brochure, Power Point
slide or presentation, Microsoft Word document
a) The activity/assignment must reflect a Common Core
b) Remember that the sample must be authentic in
natureit cannot be a worksheet you have found on the
Internet. It MUST be created by you!
c) The student should not be able to complete the activity you
are asking without the use of the software, so be sure there
are specific requirements involving the software you selected.
3) Presentation: Introduce your Integration Project Plan to the class
4) Follow Through/Preparation: Turn in this planning sheet along with
one copy of your student sample to me for grading!

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