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Student Name:
Printed Name of Person
Role of Individual:

Youstina Kaldas

Period: 7th

Diana Khela

Place of Business:

___Mentor __X_Other Professional #1(Diana)

San Jacinto College

Business Address:

13735 Beamer rd

Phone Number:


Date of Interview:


___Other Professional #2(Lina)

Type of Interview: ___ In Person ___ Telephone* _X__Email*

*Documentation Required (Attach E-mail to Interview Verification Page)

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.
(fantasy vs. reality)
Perspective on what students really need and the reality of assisting them.

2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required?
(educational level and requirements)
BS working on Masters in Higher Education

3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field.
(day-to-day activities)
Meetings, more meetings, conferences, overseeing tutors, student assistants, and administrative assistant

4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field?
(job security)
Pretty secure. Higher education will keep being in use.
Revised Fall 2013

5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field?
30,000-45,000 per year.
6. What potential for growth is there in your field?
(growth potential)
Promotion to Department Chair or Dean of a department

7. What inspired/encouraged you to choose this career?

Helping students being successful and develop independent learning

8. Are there too many or too few people entering the tutoring profession? Why?
Too many, it is a rewarding field.

9. Considering all the people you have met with in your line of work, what personal attributes are essential
for success?
Being open and available.

10. Why do people leave the field of tutoring?

To pursue their original career goals

Revised Fall 2013

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