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Looking Back and Proceeding Forward

Dear, Dr. Kate

Before I start reflecting on my odyssey with writing over the past four months, I would
like to take the time out to thank you. Youve impacted my life in a way that words could not
begin to explain. Before meeting you and taking this course I was a very technical writer that
was scared to take risk within my writing. I was just thinking about the first time that I submitted
a paper to you and the grade that I received and the comments that you wrote. It was the learning
memoir and instead of telling a story at first I wrote it as if I was writing a 5 paragraph essay
(technical and boring). I made an outline of the points that I would be addressing and I starting
constructing my paper from there. But after reading your comments and talking to you after class
you helped me realize that the way that I was use to writing was ineffective and uninteresting.
This made me want to do it over again and make it better, so that is exactly what I did.
Instead of writing it like an essay I wrote it in a way that involved storytelling and painting a
vivid picture. Before taking this course I was used to being a technical writer because I was
never given the opportunity to think outside of the box or construct pieces of writing that
displayed my visions and perspectives on issues that I wanted to address. But with the help of
your unorthodox writing techniques and open ended assignments I was able to dismantle the box
that my creativity was confined in. During all of my years of high school I was given a topic,
rubric, and guideline that listed the expectations that I had to live/write by on the writing
assignment that I would have to construct. For this reason I began to become complacent with
being told what to do and how to do it, this is due to the fact that it made getting As on papers
easy as 123 for me. However, Dr. Kate you showed me that I had a voice and that I was capable
of thinking, feeling, and writing for myself by myself.

At first I was uncomfortable with having to choose the topic that I would be writing about
because I was afraid that it wouldnt be interesting or appealing to my audience. In addition to
this I was afraid because I was given a lot of room for error considering the fact that you gave us
the freedom to write about anything that we wanted to, and to create our own audience. But now
I have the confidence to write about anything and I am confident with my writing abilities
because you taught me that as long as I write about something that I am passionate about or
something that is controversial getting my audiences attention wouldnt be difficult at all. As of
today I am more than just a technical writer. I am an intellectual and credible writer with a voice
that can no longer be silenced and whose ideas are worth ones time. Due to my new found
confidence in myself the perceptions that I use to have about myself and my writing capabilities
are no longer a factor and they never will be again. As of now I no longer map my points out or
make outlines I just free write and get my ideas on to paper, which makes it more interesting at
the end of the day because I am not confined to write about the things that are in my outline. I
feel as though by changing my writing process from making outlines and mapping things out to
just writing freely allowed me to access more of my creative juices and appeal to my audience
This is due to the fact that I have been challenged to write about things that I was
passionate about and to break away from the standard essay format that I was used to. Since, I
know that I am capable of writing in a non-technical way there isnt a reason for me to back track
and fall into my old writing habits. Now that I know that I am credible enough to write about a
topic that is controversial and culturally driven I feel as though Ill start voicing my opinions
through writing more. Even though I might not reach a lot of people I feel as though If I get my
ideas on to the paper so that my peers and professors can read them and analyze them Im

accomplishing something that is special. The special thing that I am accomplishing is getting my
voice heard through the paper. By being assigned assignments that made me analyze different
cultures and subcultures I feel as though the way I viewed the world has been altered and
changed forever. In the past I use to just go with the flow and follow the norms of society
without questioning them even if I did not agree with them and actually getting an understanding
on things that defied them. But having to do research on different cultures and subcultures I was
able to ask questions and explore the things unknown.
For example when I was doing my research paper on the LGBT community I was able to
gain a new found respect for them and learn about the struggles and oppression that they face
because of societys views and norms. Being able to do research and actually get a clear
understanding on this subculture helped me realize that my role in the world is to accept
everybody and give everyone the same respect that I would want. Another role that I feel I have
in the world is bringing awareness of social injustices to people in any form that I can (writing,
videos, and speeches). This means speaking up even when it would be convenient and easier to
just stay silent.
As of today I view the world as a place that isnt designed for uniqueness or individuality.
If one isnt being a conformist and following what the next man is doing they will not be easily
accepted by society. For this reason I constantly feel as though I am at odds with the world and
how it is ran. Ive never been the type of person to follow the lead of everybody else and treat
others wrong even if it is seen as right in the eyes of the majority. Due to these circumstances I
really dont know my place in the world so I cannot identify my culture because I am totally
against the American Culture. In my opinion the American Culture is to stigmatizing and
judgmental for me to identify with it and attach myself with it, for this reason I decided that I am

a part of my own culture and its called Azanean. I think as a result of me feeling like I dont
belong in my own culture it was easy for me to write about cultures such as the LGBT
community and identify with them, as well as place myself within their shoes and feel their pain.
The subjects that I have chosen to write about over the past four months showed me that I was
designed to write about injustices and problems that I feel should be addressed.
Therefore, by choosing topics that caused my audience to think about what life would be
like if things were different in society in a non-technical and boring way showed my evolution as
a thinker and writer. Ive become more open to exploring controversial subjects and doing the
research and putting in the work that would make me credible enough to become an advocate on
social injustices that I am passionate about and that I feel need to be addressed. As a result of this
my understanding when it comes to the American Culture is that it is not easy to define or put
into a concise context, and it is not always accepting as it claims to be.
The American Culture claims to be a melting pot that is diverse and accepting to all
however that is not the case. If this was true members of this society such as LGBT individuals
wouldnt face persecution and discrimination, women wouldnt still be oppressed, and innocent
people wouldnt be getting gunned down by police officers. By writing about these type of things
or learning about them from my peers Ive learned to realize that the American Culture is kind of
ignorant in a sense and blinded by the actuality of their actions. I can honestly say that before
this course I never thought about the American Culture in such a negative light, but the more I
learn about its flaws the more I am able to grow as a thinker and the less likely I am to be a
conformist. Before this class I use to think that the American Culture was the best thing that
happened to Americans and that I should be honored to be a part of it, and that it was just a little

flawed. But now all I see is a culture that is full of imperfections and lies that I will never
identify with again until a lot of social issues are solved.
Overall by taking this course with the peers that I had and you as a teacher was the best
decision I could have made. I grew personally and I grew as a thinker and as a writer. I was
challenged and pushed to become a better writer by my peers and by you as well as to think
outside of the box. My peers challenged me to become a better writer through our peer reviews
and Eli task. They always gave me goal orientated and constructive feedback that led to the
evolution of my papers. For example, that told me what didnt work in my papers, what would
work, what to add and what to delete. With the help of their constructive criticism and guidance I
was able to push pass the surface ideas that I had and dig deeper and challenge myself on a more
intellectual level.
I was able to grow on a personal level because I was able to do things that I wasnt
comfortable at doing in the beginning of the semester. This includes giving criticism to my peers
in peer review sessions as well as taking it from them and trusting the things that they told me
even if I did not always agree with them. Knowing that I have grew as much as I have just within
one semester is the most self-rewarding feeling ever. I am excited to see the growth that I have
yet to experience and to continue to use the writing strategies that you have taught me and my
new found writing process. As of now my writing process includes writing on topics that I am
passionate about in a secluded area with a lot of junk food around me and music in my ears. In
addition to this instead of mapping things out and making outlines and being all technical and
what not, I just free write and jot down whatever comes to my head. In closing, on the grading
sheet for sequence three in a comment you stated that I have come a long way this semester, as a
writer, as a peer reviewer, and as a thinker, and thanks to you what I have learned this semester in

your class are the things that I will apply in all of my other classes from now until the time I
graduate. So thanks Dr. Kate you helped me evolve even though at first I was skeptical about
doing so, but I guess change is the ultimate goal.
Azanean Petty

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