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General Information

Name: Michael Seminario

Internship Hours: ~32 hrs/wk
Internship Placement: Eleanor M. Carlson Strength and Conditioning Center
Internship Supervisor: Loryssa Sylvia
Internship Job Title: Strength & Conditioning Intern
In spring 14, I was enrolled in KIN 391 which was a directed study course. The course
had to be approved by my advisor and consisted of a small intern project of my choosing. I
interviewed with the Strength & Conditioning coach and got approved for the directed study. I
thoroughly enjoyed the experience so much that I was anxious to get back into the field. I
immediately came back to the Strength & Conditioning coach when I had to figure out where I
wanted to do my internship. I chose this internship in order to pursue my interests in becoming a
Strength & Conditioning coach. I feel that this is the one thing I can see myself actually enjoy
doing the rest of my life since sports has played a big role in my life.
Objective: To learn how to properly prescribe workouts for teams during different phases
of their season
Review past workout sheets prior to each season
Ask questions about why certain workouts were performed
Review excel sheets for each team
Read about goals set for each team
Create two tables with the goals of a certain phase in a season
Create a workout for an individual team during a certain phase of their season
Create a workout for a club team during a certain phase of their season
Objective: To develop leadership skills by being able to lead teams through workouts
Shadow the head and assistant Strength & Conditioning coach
Practice being more outspoken with student athletes
Ask if instructor could allow a trial run with athletes
Include an evaluation sheet about my performance
Duties include
- Monitor student athletes during workouts to ensure proper form and safety
- Maintain a safe and clean environment for athletes.
- Answer any questions pertaining to the workout.
- Assist the coaches during workouts by setting up different stations.
Evaluation Methods
- Constant contact with both assistants and the head Strength & Conditioning coach

Immediate feedback on performance after each team has completed their workout.

Expected Workdays
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6am 1pm
- Tuesday & Thursday 1pm 6pm
- Start date: January 21, 2015, End date: May 2015

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