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Kaitlyn Duffy

English 1010
Rhetorical Rationale

1. Describe the rhetorical situation as you see it for both your issue summary
paper and your genre translation. Be sure to discuss both audience and purpose
for both documents.
When I was writing my final paper, I was thinking about writing to the
average American. I was thinking of people who have older parents or
grandparents that are getting terminal illnesses, or family or friends that have
horrible diseases that cause them a lot of pain and give them no quality of life. I
was thinking about CNAs like myself, nurses, and doctors that have had patients
beg them to kill them because they are suffering so much. I was thinking about
people like myself who dont ever want to be held on by life-support or put in a
nursing home, left to die slowly with no dignity. I wanted the general public to see
that if laws and guidelines are put in place and enforced, that euthanasia is
something to welcome, not to fear. I was thinking that if people could relate
somehow and see how euthanasia is working well in other parts of the world,
they might give assisted suicide a chance here.
2. Describe the revisions you made in your issue summary paper and your genre
translation, and discuss why you made those revisions.

I honestly didnt make a lot of revisions other than spelling and grammar. I
mismanaged my time and worked more than I did school work which led me to
rushing to finish everything before the deadline.
3. What did you learn about research and about writing in these assignments?
I finally learned how to get into the schools e-library, which was great to
learn for all future research projects. I also learned that academic papers and
journals are incredibly long and I dont have a lot of patience to read them all.

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