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Soares 1

Sofia Soares
English 12
Speech Outline


Catchy Hook: There is no greater disability in society, than the

inability to see a person as more -Robert M. Hensel

Then: Hi, my name is Sofia Soares.

Summary of project: For my project serve I decided to. . .


What drove me to do it: Little cousin, family friends, & connections with

Talk about what Giant steps is pretty much about: The kids and the

What I enjoyed doing: How I felt working with the kids & horses and
what I did.
- Talk about first day there and horse accident (make


Some Challenges: Scheduling, getting there, work

Observations, along with what I learned.

Describe my weebly.


Soares 2

My future with kids: I dont necessarily see myself working with kids
but I definitely do see myself being around them, I enjoyed working
with them because they bring a little spark to your day.

What did I learn about myself: I learned that I am able to have a lot of
patience with these kids and learned how to communicate more with
them and now I know how to communicate more with my little cousin.

Put a close to it.


Questions (?)

Handshake and THANK again.

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