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MarkAnthony Renteria
English 113B
Professor Ditch
18 February, 2015
Culture is defined as arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement.
Culture demonstrates and presents our life story and who we are. Culture can be classified as
many different things or perspectives. For an example, tattoos can be someones culture, dance
as well, also little things like there social economic status. In the United States, we are all a part
of one culture. The culture we all share among each other is that we are all citizens in the states.
This can be classified as a culture because we are all humans that share the same trait of going to
school or work, playing sports, driving, etc. Despite the subculture groups we classify each other
in, we are still part of a big group in the United States. I would classify my culture to be a
Mexican-American male, in which I have to perform a certain way in cultural spaces where I
present myself as my culture and myself imagine.
Culture is a big overall idea of where you are from; a person is and the history, traditions
that come along with it, but other then be classified as one culture group, we as individuals have
our own culture to present. I happen to be Mexican-American. What this means is I was born in
America but I have family traits from Mexico. Being Mexican-American can be seen bad to
people who happen to carry the trait of being Mexican because to them, they dont see you as a
fully Mexican, and for this the Mexican population can see you different or be usual. In the
article, My Hips, My Caderas, Valdez-Rodriguez quotes, When I want to be loved for my


body, I am Latina; when I want to be loved for my mind, I flock to liberal intellectuals. This
quote supports my argument because like Rodriguez, she has to keep two identitys when it
comes to her body and when it comes to her knowledge. This also explains how we both have
different cultures when it comes to different spaces. Mexicans can also see you as a person from
the State; instead of the homeland of the real Mexicans. I believe being Mexican-American can
be hard at times because since I was born here in the States, it was hard for me to learn and grasp
the Mexican language so this forth is why I speak Spanish a little bit odd. As for me I carry two
different types of identities that I would have to apply to the world and society as who I am as a
person and male. Besides the two identities I already have I consider myself to have another
which is my gender as a male.
In this American society, sex is part of our culture as people because weather youre a
male or female there are traits to both of these. Me as a male in this world, gives me an identity
where we as men have to show a perception of being manly with no fear. Being a man in this
world gives us an identity where we have to be muscular, good looking, smart and brave. Women
also have a perception as well, such as being intelligent, beautiful, weak and low social status.
Men tend to have a higher social status because we are seen to be the superman in our lives.
Also men are classified to do the hard work and bring food to the table or provide for our family
while the women stay home. In my culture, as a Mexican-American, the men have to provide for
the women and their children. A Mexican-American man disobeying these rules makes you look
unusual and different from one another. I carry three identities starting from my gender to my
ethnicity. Everyone has many different cultural identity but its up to us to find it and accept
those givings. In the article, My hips, my Cardeas, Rodriguez is classified as a women who


works in an area where its all white guys with degrees and they are intimidated by her because
she happens to be a women with a degree and happens to be Latina.
My culture to me means a lot because thats who I am as a person. My culture is
Mexican-American. To me being Mexican American is okay because I get to see both sides of
the world. Im able to see the American side as well as the Mexican side. Being two different
cultures I very helpful because when it comes to reasoning behind an opinion or argument youre
able to see both sides to the stories. In the article, Coming Home to Van Nuys, Loh explains
how she sees two different cities as if she was in two different environments. Loh explains how
she acts in two different environments when she gets back home from Minnesota. She explains
how, Theres no place like home, but in fact you are home. For this quote she saying where
ever you go in the world there will always be the diversity of different restaurants and fast food
place due to the culture that has been expanding throughout the states and other parts of the
world. To see the world in to different views helps me understand how the world looks at one
another and how we are judge as people. Not only does this show how we as subcultural groups
act when it comes to another culture but it shows how each culture acts in certain areas.
In my eyes as a Mexican, I believe assumption the most because of our beliefs and how
we show ourselves to the world. For an example, the tone already assume we Mexicans are poor
with a lot of kids. For this you can say there are a lot of stenotypes that apply to each culture. We
Mexicans are usually described as dirty and lazy people. Despite the fact that Im Mexican and
get criticized a lot, American people also get criticized as well. Being American and Mexican is
kind of hard because if you focus on one culture you lose some knowledge of the other. For
example, I hardly speak Spanish because I believe I had took the American culture more instead
of my Mexican side. I think for this Im looked at in an oddly way from those Mexican people


because once I tell them that Im Mexican but I dont speak it as well as I should, Im looked at
in negative way. As well as I show my American side and I tell people Im also Mexican they
believe Im lying because I dont look poor nor do I look Mexican at all.
Culture means a lot to people and you can present your culture anyway you want. The
whole world as one is one culture and that culture happens to be that we are citizens of the
United States and thats one trait we all share among each other weather the different races.
Culture is a big part of the world because without culture, we will not have a story behind us.
Culture can be classified as many different things such from a small tattoo or the beliefs one has
but despite that culture can be shown and presented in many different ways.
As a Mexican-American, we do have so disadvantages when it comes to both the
American and Mexican side. Growing up as a Mexican, was harsh because from a young age we
were already assured that we would not graduate high school and have a city job. For other
words these were the traditional norms the American society sees on the Mexican culture. Unlike
the Mexican culture, Americans are also assumed of the tradition norms as well. We are assumed
that we are all about us Americans and thats all. Personally I love being both Mexican-American
because you see the world in 2 different point of views. For an example, as a Mexican you see
the Mexican point of view when it comes to a point as the same thing when it comes to an
American. I believe my culture between my 2 identities I truly dont have a favorite but I love
how I can pull off both of them when it comes to the real word. It not average you see a Mexican
kid come from a hard working family to attend a 4 year university school. As well as an
American where it comes to be able to be part of this world where it surprises people Im in
school and having a good future ahead of me.


Work Cited
Gloria Anzaldua - Readins for OSU Writers - Boston/New York - Bedford/St. Martin's - 2008 Third Ed.

Alisa Valdes - The Contemporary Reader - Vol. 9 - 2008 - pp. 69-71

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