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To: Julia Remsik Larsen

From: Lexie Sanchez

Date: April 11th, 2015
Subject: Major Writing Assignment #2

Rhetorical Situation
Similar to the two previous assignment, this piece was intended to analyze
and provide evidence of rhetorical appeals and patterns within the movie trailer for
Insidious 3. In regards to the rhetorical analysis, this purpose of this piece was not
only to present evidence for rhetorical appeals and patterns, but to argue their
effectiveness. In other words, this writing assignment was an expanded version of
Low Stakes Assignment 3 and 4. The target audience could be considered those
with an interest in seeing this film or filmmakers. Filmmakers could use this piece to
evaluate their use of rhetorical patterns or appeals in the trailers and reconsider the
choices they made. This was the audience I kept in mind while writing this piece. I
also considered the possible discourse community targeted by this movie trailer and
used that to write my piece. For example, I believe that this trailer was intended to
grasp the interest of horror movie and Insidious fans. This helped shape my writing
and better analyze the trailer.
Although there was no specific genre for this piece, I chose to write similar
structure as an article. This was evident through my use of attention grabbers in the
first paragraph, as well as my use of a creative title. Another aspect I kept in mind
when writing this was the possibility that some viewers may not have seen this
trailer, or even heard of the Insidious films. Because of this, I had to explain each
scene with more description.

The Process
Overall, the writing process for this piece was fairly simple. I simply took my
outline and revised it by adding better transition sentences and moving things
around. It was also extremely helpful that we began with Low Stakes Assignment
#3. This was useful in both the creation of the next LSA and MWA #2. I believe the
use of evidence building and addition of content from each assignment for this
sequence was what made writing this paper simple. Because I have an interest in
the Insidious 3 film and horror movies in general, I enjoyed writing this piece. I also
enjoyed writing this Major Writing Assignment because it forced me to evaluate a
movie trailer in a way I had not done before. Following this assignment, I now watch
movie trailers in a more analytical manner.

Student Learning Outcome D

The targeted Student Learning Outcome for this assignment is focused on

improving overall writing within our writing assignments, in terms of grammar,
sentence structure, and other elements of writing. Because I had to utilize so many
different writing strategies, such as evidence, argumentation, attention-grabbing,
and analysis, my improvement towards this outcome was presented. The use of LSA
3 and 4 as building blocks for this piece allowed me to make progress towards this
assignment. For example, I used the claims I found in LSA 3 to write my outline for
LSA 4. I then provided more specific detail about those claims when writing the
Although Student Learning Outcome D was the specific outcome for this
piece, I also feel I made significant progress towards Student Learning Outcome C,
Writing as a Process. Each LSA is used to make the creation of the according MWA
easier. This was most evident through the completion of this sequence. I believe this
sequence was beneficial to the progress of both these outcomes.

When reading this piece, I would like feedback on the presented evidence for
each appeal. In other words, if readers are able to understand where each appeal
comes from based on my analysis, I have successfully executed the purpose of this
assignment. I would also like feedback on the use of descriptive language because
this will aid me in any future assignments requiring me to explain a visual piece
without viewers actually having to see whatever I am explaining.
Lexie Sanchez

Lexie Sanchez
April 10th, 2015
Prof. Julia Remsik Larsen

The Most Terrifying Chapter Yet

Coming soon to a theater near you These words slide across a large
screen as a roomful of wide-eyed movie-goers watch in anticipation. Shortly after, it
begins the trailer for the next upcoming film. For some, this could be the deciding
factor. Did it make me feel excited? Do I know any of the actors? Do the producers
have a good history of films? Insidious 3, releasing on June 5th, 2015, is just one of
the many trailers out now. With two previous films to live up to or surpass fan
expectations, audience interest is almost essential. With the appropriate appeals to
ethos, pathos, and logos presented in the trailer, Insidious 3 will draw in horror
movie fans of all ages.
When people hear names like Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt, there seems
to be a sudden spike in interest. Famous actors or credible producers contribute to
audience interest. This is where Ethos comes in. Immediately as the trailer starts,
the appeal to ethos is present. The trailer begins with the credentials of a wellknown movie producing company, or Focus Features. Focus Features is responsible
for films such as Brokeback Mountain, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and

Milk. This is an appeal to ethos because it could gain audience interest solely from
the previous film history of this production company. This appeal could be supported
by a number of patterns. However, this appeal to ethos is most strongly supported
by the pattern of comparison. In considering the other popular films created by
Focus Features, viewers might hold up the same standards, good or bad, for
Insidious 3. In another instance, the producers, Blumhouse, and a few of their key
films, Sinister and The Purge are noted within the trailer. This is another similar
appeal to ethos because these are two popular modern horror films. In other words,
these producers have a strong history in the horror film industry, strengthening their
credibility. The pattern that most strongly supports this appeal is comparison as
well. However, based on audience opinion of these two films, this has the potential
to benefit these producers in the box office or ruin their chances of drawing in a
large audience.
As humans, we tend to fall victim to anything that tugs on our heartstrings.
As a trailer for a horror film, the appeals to pathos are most evident.The first appeal
to pathos is shortly after the opening credentials. You are introduced to a young girl
who just recently lost her mother.
This opening scene makes readers feel strong sympathy for the main character,
gaining interest in what happens to her. Because this evokes an emotional response
from viewers, this is an example of an appeal to pathos. This appeal is supported by
the rhetorical patterns of narration and cause-and-effect. Narration is applied at the
start of a trailer, where producers utilized a story-telling strategy by having the girl
explain that she just recently lost her mother. As the trailer goes on, a cause-andeffect relationship is identified when it is explained that, because she is calling out
to her deceased mother, the rest of the dead have heard her calls.

The most evident example of the appeal to pathos is the use of frightening
figures and images. For example, there are scary figures appearing behind window
curtains, underneath beds, and even jumping out of windows. There are also
handprints in blood, demonic-looking creatures, and even the main character
presented in a possessed state. As a horror film, the feeling of fear, anxiety, and
excitement are almost necessary. As these clips are flashing in a fast and terrifying
fashion, viewers may experience similar emotions. A good horror film will have a
strong appeal to these emotions, meaning this trailer succeeded in appropriately
appealing to pathos. This appeals to the pattern of description. As the woman who
is helping the young girl explains that the rest of the dead has heard her calls, she
continues by describing the dangerous entity she has envisioned haunting the girl.
As these descriptions continue, visual and audible depictions of these creatures are
shown on the trailer.
Another appeal to pathos is present throughout the entire trailer. This is the
use of sound clips and music. For example, in the beginning of the trailer, when
viewers are first being introduced to the main character, the music could be
described as somewhat sad and reflective. However, as the trailer continues into
the scarier scenes, sudden and loud string instruments are played in what could be
described as a jumpy manner. In other words, they make viewers jump at the
sound. There are also several instances of eerie voices singing. For example, the
voice of a young girl can be heard singing Tiptoe Through the Tulips, slowly and
innocently. This, too, would be supported by the pattern of description. This appeals
to the sense of hearing. This adds to the haunting description of the spirits
described by the woman. In general, the music sets the overall scary environment.

As a trailer, the goal is to gain audience interest and encourage viewers to go

see the movie when it comes out. The appeal to logos is most evident through the
use of some of the most terrifying clips of the film. As the trailer claims this film to
be the most terrifying chapter yet, the use of these clips along with the music is
used as supporting evidence. Although the clips may be sufficient enough for some
to believe this may be the most terrifying chapter, some may need to see the film in
order to be convinced. This desire for proof is an excellent advertising strategy and
appeal to ethos used by the producers. This is supported by the comparison pattern.
Compared to the previous two films, this one will be the scariest. Because this is a
horror film, Insidious 3 being the scariest of the saga would, in turn, make it the
The use of rhetoric in a movie trailer is essential in order to grab view
attention. Insidious 3 kept in mind their potential audience and appropriately
created the film to fit their expectations.
As the film producers film history is well-known and relevant to the current horror
film industry, a strong appeal to ethos is made. Without giving away too much,
Insidious 3 presents engaging clips from the film in order to appeal to pathos.
Finally, the appeal to logos is made through the claim that this will be the scariest of
all of the Insidious films, which is made evident through movie clips used to make
this trailer.
Overall, due to the rhetorical appeals in this film, I believe Insidious 3 will not
let horror movie fans down. Although there is clear use of rhetorical appeals
throughout the trailer, the most evident and effective is the appeal to pathos. This
trailer was also most successful in their use of the rhetorical pattern of description.
Based on this trailer, filled with blood, spirits, and horror, Insidious 3 appropriately

recognizes the discourse community of scary movie fans and applies rhetorical
appeals and patterns. This may just be the most terrifying chapter yet.

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