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Trabajo de Ingles

1. Read the following letters. Does the writer use formal or

informal language?
The writer uses formal language.
2. Read the letter and answer the following questions.
a) What is the meaning of the expressions in bold? Translate the into
your language.
Dear Sir or Madam Estimado Seor o Seora
I am writing with reference to Lo escribo con referencia a
I am afraid Tengo miedo
Looking forward to hearing from you A la espera de saber de ti
Dear Mrs Colin Estimada seora Colin
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention Gracias por
traer este asunto a nuestra atencin
We are extremely sorry Estamos muy mal
Accept our apologies Acepte nuestras disculpas
b) Where do we write the date? And our address?
The date just above where we started writing the letter.
The write address in the upper right.
c) How do the letters begin?
With Dear Sir or Madam.
d) How do the letters end?
You say goodbye.
e) Write expressions to say sorry in formal writing.
Accept our apologies.

Writing task
Dear STARCOM company,
I bought a laptop last week. I come home and I just noticed that the
keyboard is broken. I can change it with a new one?
Waiting for an answer.
Dear Sir or Madam,
We apologize for having sold the laptop into disrepair. Do not worry
returns laptop to the store and exchange it for a new one.
Please accept our apologies.

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