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The Live Wire



A letter from Jono to fr iends at Highgate:

Greetings from the hustle and bustle of Phnom Penh, Cambodia! We've now been
here for a week, and we figured it was time we update you on the purpose of this
trip. Members of the Servants community have been living among urban poor
communities in Phnom Penh since 1993, and the team here currently includes two
Kiwi families: the Jacks and the Tripps. Part of Jono's role as Servants NZ Coor-
dinator involves supporting these families, and so our two weeks here is a long
overdue visit to familiarise ourselves with the challenges and opportunities of
their life here, and to better understand how to support them (and other Kiwis
considering joining this team).
Over the last few days, we have had the chance to visit a number of local initia-
tives that have arisen out of the relationships Servants members have built here;
each are challenging and inspiring in their own way. Earlier in the week, Julie
enjoyed the chance to spend time threading beads with local woman who are part
of the 'Slumlight' craft manufacturing initiative. And yesterday, Jono was lost
for words as he watched a group of previously -abandoned children with cerebral
palsy being encouraged and loved through creative game play (part of the TLC
initiative - 'The Little Conquerors).
We continue to watch, listen and learn here next week, before heading to Manila
(Philippines) on Monday 8 February. More about that soon! In the meantime,
we continue to value your prayers for us as we travel.
See inside for a note from Daniel

Farewell to the Grants

While we are sad to see them go, we wish Andrea,
Rory, Jonathan and Oliver all the very best as they
set out on their new life in Rotorua. We also extend
our grateful thanks for all that they contributed to the
life the Church.
M e g H ou s e G r ou p
a k a Mo n da y Ev en i ng G ro u p/ M ee t i ng & E xp e ri e nci n g Go d
A very warm welcome to anyone interested in coming. The group resumes on
Monday 15 February, at 7:30pm at Gwenyth Wilson's home, 43 Balmacewan
Our programme for the year is based on a series of programmes, each of six to
eight weeks so there is no need to feel "locked in " for a year. For the worst of
winter we meet on Monday mornings at the church.
Our first theme," Action/ Reaction" encompasses Lent and Easter.
Any enquiries to Celia Paulin 4741511

Pre– School Music

This lively group resumes on Tuesday, 9 February. It appears we will continue
to have keen response from young families from across Dunedin so I am particu-
larly for the help given by our church people.

We are concerned about the lack of people to help lead the singing and musical
accompaniment. It would be great to hear from anyone who could assist in this
Contact person; Celia Paulin 4741511

H i g h F l y er B o o k E xch a n ge
The Book Swap has begun again for the year. It continues to meet on the third
Thursday of each month. In response to suggestions from participants the time
has been changed to an earlier time of 4.00pm—6.00pm. This is a friendlier time
for children to attend, but leaves us with a problem of having few books for 9-12
year olds. If you have any spare books suitable for this age group and are happy
for them to be donated to this community project please contact Wyn Barbezat
474 1315.
All are welcome to come to along to browse through our growing selection of
books, have a coffee or tea and a chat and choose something to read for the next
Next meeting is on Thursday 17 February 4-6pm in Chisholm Hall, Roslyn

H e l p N e ed e d i n Feb r u a r y a n d Ma r c h
There are lists in the Church Foyer for anyone interested in helping out at Sun-
day morning services over the next two months. If you are able to help with a
reading/ prayer or morning tea, or other duties, please add your name to the list.

S u n d ay Af t e rn o on Co m m un i o n
The first afternoon communion for the year will be held on Sunday 28 February.
at Roslyn Church, 21 Highgate, Roslyn at 2.30pm to be followed by afternoon
Everyone is welcome, especially those who have not been able to make it to
a communion service at 10am. Transport can be provided.
Please contact Shirley Hudson, phone 453 5041 or Peg Makinson, phone 477
4888 for further information or if you want or can help with transport.

H i gh ga t e @ 10 Wo rk i n g G r o u p
A planning meeting for the Highgate@10 cluster groups will meet on Tuesday
February 9 at 7.30pm at the Maori Hill Church. Coffee is served from 7.15. As
this meeting will be an opportunity to decide on activities for the year anyone
interested is warmly invited to attend.
The Worship Cluster is looking for new members to join them, so if you feel
this is an area you can help in please come along.

T h a n k s f r o m Pe g
A big "Thank you" to the team who helped with bed pushing at the Hospital
Chapel on Sunday 31st January. It was a very busy time as it was a larger than
usual larger attendance. The chaplain and hostesses were very pleased and
praised the help we had given. For some it was a first time so thank you very
much. Your help was really appreciated.

Caim will resume on Wednesday February 10th at 6.00pm with a potluck meal
and service at Jill's place, 5 William Street.
For details please phone Jill on 4774496
Wednesday February 17 and 24: service at Roslyn Church at 7.15pm
Wednesday March 3 Potluck meal and service at Barbezat’s 10 Falcon St.6pm

To Kids@ from Daniel:

This place is amazing! When I get up in the morning, no need to worry about all
the winter layers of clothing - Mum and Dad let me hang out in a singlet and
nappies all day. When we visit our friends, we travel in tuk tuks, which is way
more fun than sitting in the back seat of our car at home: as we travel, the wind
ruffles my hair, and I can see and smell all the hustle and bustle around
me. And then at night, I love lying in bed watching the mysterious blue mosquito
net change shape as it is blown around by the ceiling fan. I'm in heaven! More
news from me soon. Love, D.

Church Picnic February 28th
We had to cancel this event last year due to bad weather. But
we are optimistic that this year the weather will be kind to
us. We will meet together at Woodhaugh Gardens at 12pm by
the little pool. Bring your own picnic including something to
cook on the BBQ if you wish and for the more energetic we
will play some old fashioned games for young and old.


This is becoming an annual event in the Highgate Calendar.

Shrove Tuesday marks the day before the beginning of the long
fast of Lent. The custom of making pancakes arose through the
need to use up food items, which were forbidden during Lent!!
Bring your friends and family to Maori Hill Church Hall for a
Pancake Evening. All ages welcome.
We will make the Pancakes if you bring along your favourite top-
pings to share. Tea and Coffee will also be available. We will
have some Pancake activities suitable for all ages and finish the
evening with a devotion to help us get ready to start Lent.
If you are interested in coming or have any queries please email
or phone Jane 464 0622
Wor shi p at t he t hr ee Hubs of Hi gh gat e
At Highgate Church we have different times and different services where
God’s people come together to worship. As part of the rhythms of our
church we have some set times for worship.
Highgate@10—Sunday morning worship at Maori Hill Presbyterian
Church cnr. Highgate/Drivers Road at 10 a.m. This is a Kids Friendly
B@tCH Breakfast at Coronation Hall (Balmacewen Road) Every Sunday
morning during school term time at 8.30am. Each week, along with
breakfast there is fellowship for all ages, music, singing, and thinking
through the Christian message of the day.
Caim— This is a midweek service every Wednesday throughout the year.
Caim usually meets at Roslyn Church, 21 Highgate at 7.15 pm for a short
contemplative service which concludes with communion. (check monthly
Live Wire for venues)

Everyone is welcome at all these services

H i g hg at e C h ur c h C on t act s Youth Group

Church Office: (Y9 – Y13)
580 Highgate, Maori Hill 4.30pm at Roslyn Hall on
Open: 9am-12 midday Sundays
Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri. Leaders:
Ph: 464 0158 Jordan Redding
Phone 487 9983
Email: HOLY H@tCH (Y7 – Y8)
Highgate@10 - contact office H@tCH = Highgate youth at
Caim: Jill McDonald ph 477 4496 Chisholm Hall
B@tch:- Patricia McDonald 467 5624 4.30pm at Chisholm Hall,
Ministers: Roslyn on
Rev Jono Ryan Sundays
Rev Barry Kelk Leaders: Helen Owen
(ph 464 0100)
Children and Families: and Trevor Cray
Jane Davis-Rae 464 0622
Pastoral Worker Highgate@10:: General Enquiries: Linda and
Jill McDonald ph: 477 4496 Steve Dunn ph: 488 5257

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