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2 draft

May 4,

Carlos Alberto Flores Hernndez
Teacher: Alejandro Gutierrez

Write a short letter in answer to these questions in the article.
Divide your writing into three paragraphs and use your mind map to help you.
Paragraph 1: my attitude to money.
Paragraph 2: why I would spend some money and what I would spend it on.
Paragraph 3: why I would save some money and how I would save it.
Compere your letter with other students. Have you written similar things? What
are the main differences?

Money in my life
I have always been conscious about money and how important its in modern life style. But
also I have always known what money is. Moneys a tool, no more no less. It is just used
by us, and it shouldnt be the root of all evil.
I spend money on things that I need or I like, always giving the priority to my needs. I
never spend more than I can afford, making ends meet. What I usually buy is just stuff like
pencils, erasers, but also candies, coffee.
I save money to buy something I like and to invest it in something important for instance,
I bought a helicopter and I paid some industrial visits.

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