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First Grade News

May 11, 2015

Letter From Ms. White
Dear Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! The weather
was so beautiful! I hope everyone had a chance to take
advantage of it! I look forward to each of our students
returning refreshed and ready to go for the GOLD!
Economy Fair: Our Economy Fair was absolutely
Fantabulous!!! Each and every student had a wonderful
time selling and buying goods from student in ours and Mrs.
Apps class. It was also great to see their connections to
supply/demand and how money affects the choices of
families. Thank you so much for taking the time to help your
student express their creativity and resourcefulness during
this project. I was elated to see all of the wonderful
products; I could tell there was great effort put into them
and the students showed great pride in their work.
mClass: The window for our end of year mClass testing
opens this week. Our class will be doing their Text Reading
and Comprehension (TRC) test to determine their reading
level on Wednesday, May 13th. The benchmark for the end
of the year is level J/K. All of our students will be tested by
other teachers on the first grade team, or other certified
staff; I will not be giving the TRC portion of the test.
However, I will administer all other sections of the test. If you
have any questions regarding the testing process, please
let me know.
Library Books: The end of the year is fast approaching! That
means that library books are due! All library books are due
to the Inquiry Center by May 22nd. It is imperative that each
student brings in all of their books! After the 22nd, students
will no longer be able to check books out of the library.
Thank you so much for your cooperation!
Homework: Please be sure your student is completing
homework daily. Again, if there are circumstances that
prevent homework from being completed, please send in
a note. Thank you so much!
A reminder about books-in-the-bag: Please make sure your
student is reading their book daily to you or to another
family member; and, that it is being logged.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please
do not hesitate to ask. Mrs. Headley-Allen and I are here to

Ms. White

Authors Tea
As we approach the end of our year we would like
to take the time to celebrate our students as writers.
To celebrate with families, we will be having an
Authors Tea. This will be a time where each student
will be able to share some of their writing with
families in our class. Our Authors Tea will be
Wednesday, June 3rd from 2:15-3:00. If you are able
to attend, please do! You will enjoy amazing writing
and a special treat!

What Were Learning About

Reading- shades of meaning, main idea and
key details, written reading response,
Writing- using appropriate capitalization,
spacing, using periods, narratives, opinion
Math- measurement
Unit of Inquiry- Sharing the Planet
Science: animals, plants, habitats,
woodlands/terrariums, aquariums,
Spelling: Unit 28 (Sounds of ed (t))
Specials: Days 1-5 (Spanish, PE, Spanish,
Science, Technology)

Important Dates
May 13: mClass TRC testing
May 11-15: FWES Teacher Appreciation Week
Mon: Thank You Day!
Tues: Love Your Teacher/Flower Day
Wed: Treat Your Teacher Day
Thurs: Help Your Teacher Day
Fri: Surprise Your Teacher Day
May 16: Letterland Day at Pullen Park (10:00 am)
May 25: Memorial Day-NO SCHOOL
May 26, 27, 29: EOG Testing

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