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James Allaman
Period 2

Tundra Biome

Tundra Biome

The soil in the Tundra is frozen year round, it is also

rough and dry because of the high altitude
The animals that live there have heavy fur, such as
Arctic fox Caribou
The plants that live there are small, such as arctic
moss and shrubs
Has an extremely cold climate and low biotic
When the Calliergon giganteum is not growing, it
stores nutrients so new leaves can be made quickly
next spring

Taiga Biome

Taiga Biome Facts

Wolves and Lynxes both live in the Taiga

Black spruce and douglas-fir both are in the
In the winter it is very cold, and in the
summer it is rainy, hot, and humid.
An adaptation in the Taiga is the evergreens
are uniformly conical in shape, allowing them
to shed heavy snows with minimal damage to
the trees branches.

Temperate Deciduous Forest

Temperate Deciduous Forest

Has fertile enriched soil

This biome has deer, black bear for its
This biome has primrose, bluebells for its
It has moderately dense canopy and varied
temperatures ranging from -30 degrees C to
30 degrees C
In this biome deciduous trees and plants
become dormant for the winter

Grasslands Biome

Grasslands Biome

Has deep soils and are nutrient rich

This biome has rabbits, bison for its
This biome buffalo grass, wild indigos
for its plants
It has a very dry climate and is
dominated by grass
Some plants germinate in the fall

Tropical Rain Forest Biome

Tropical Rain Forest Biome

Has very poor and infertile soil

This biome has jaguars, panthersfor
its animals
This biome has the Bambusa tulda,
Venus Fly trap for its plants
This biome is wet and warm
The plants have to adapt to hot and
humid weather, and little sunlight

Temperate Rain Forest Biome

Temperate Rain Forest Biome

Desert Biome

Desert Biome

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