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APRIL 2015

Volume 1, Issue 1


classrooms on April 2, 2015 with their Easter's Little
Peter Rabbit action-song. The performance was led
by our Kindy teacher, Ms Archana Singh at around 10
in the morning. They surprised everybody with an
astonishing performance a day before the holidays.
They visited each room, stood in front of all the other
children and started singing at the cue of their
teacher. Meanwhile, Pre-Kindy room teamed up with
the Junior Kindy children in their much anticipated
Easter Egg Hunt, 9am last April 2.
Senior Rooms Educators initiated concealing
the shiny and colourful Easter eggs in the Big Yard.
All of the children rushed into the yard hoping to get
as many Easter Eggs as they could. Several children
had favourite spots in the yard that they suspected
would yield an Easter Egg.

Egg Painting is always fun and exciting.

Senior Rooms Educators initiated concealing

the shiny and colourful Easter eggs in the Big Yard. All
of the children rushed into the yard hoping to get as
many Easter Eggs as they could. Several children had
favourite spots in the yard that they suspected would
yield an Easter Egg.
Easter comes but once a year and it is a
special occasion for kids to discover their creativity
and have fun with their playmates. Many kids enjoy
playing with colours and patterns as they decorate,
design, and paint their Easter eggs. The inclusion of a
nest that they made on their own this year added a
little more excitement too. Children were also able to
exercise their minds trying to figure out where Ms.
Darcie hid the Centre's Easter Eggs hoping to get a
piece of chocolate at the end of the day. All in all,
everyone had a good time.


We bid farewell to our dear Ms. Kristy Small as she move with her family to the Gold Coast.
Ms. Mary Arriola left Ecokids with great sadness as she takes on a new job role in Darwin.
Ms. Jessie Westerman would be leaving on May 15 to work and travel in Europe and America.

APRIL 2015

Volume 1, Issue1


Biting is an almost inevitable part of life for
children in child care. As you will have noticed, young
children explore their world with their mouth and biting is
a natural extension of that process. For children under
three years the urge to bite arises from this natural
curiosity and it can also be linked to feelings of stress,
frustration and excitement.
In a child care environment biting is an emotional
and stressful experience for both the biter and the victim
and for the parents of both children. If you are advised
that your child has bitten another child, or has been
bitten, make sure you work with your child care provider
to deal with the situation as quickly and effectively as you
Ask to read your service's policy on biting. Ask
about any strategies the service uses to manage biting
and where possible apply these strategies at home so
that your child's biting is managed consistently
regardless of whether they are at home or in child care.
In addition to working with the guidelines set by
your child care service, watch your child at home and
see if you can figure out the reasons why your child is
biting, once you have worked out what motivates your
child to bite you could try applying some of the solutions
suggested below:

Your Child may have a reason when they bite.

Attention Seeking


Page 2

Positively managing biting

Here are some general ideas on how to manage a
biting child. Consider using some of the tactics
listed below:
1. Encourage the use of words and teach children to
practice saying no' when they have their toy taken
or when they are frustrated by something.
2. If possible follow the biter around for a day and
provide suggestions for how to manage situations
where the child might bite for example Why don't
you play with this toy while Melissa is playing with
that one'.
3. Take note of who the biter usually bites, whether
at home, in a group play environment in a
playground, at a birthday party or in child care.
When the biter approaches this child step in to
make sure the situation is kept under control and
teach the victim to be assertive and say No biting!'
4. Make sure the biter has enough personal space
and help them find a peaceful corner to do
something quiet if you spot any behaviour which
might lead to biting.

APRIL 2015

Volume 1, Issue1





Joining the team of Ecokids talented and

caring educators is Ms. Camille Kaukereit. She is
the new Lead Educator in the Junior Kindy Room
and will serve as our new Educational Leader. Ms.
Camille has been nurturing children for 12 Years.
A Certified Supervisor who has enjoyed
the experience of working with all ages and loves
to see children learn through play. She believes
children are capable of developing so many life
skills and gaining knowledge while in child care
with the guidance and assistance of teaching staff.

Ms. Svetlana Henley is currently the

group leader in the Tiny Tots room while Ms.
Laura is away. She has been working with
children for 9 years.
She loves working with children. She
believes that children are capable for their
learning and development with Educators as
their guide. She believes each child is unique
and that they should be respected and listened
to. She thinks that family plays the most
important role in the childrens life why it is
significant to work in partnership with them.


2 cups rolled oats, 2 cups flour, 2 cups coconut, 1 1/2
cups sugar, 250g butter, 4 tbsp. golden syrup, 1 tsp
baking soda, 2 tbsp. boiling water
1. Turn oven to 160'C. Lightly grease oven trays. 2.
Place oats, flour, coconut, sugar in big mixing bowl. 3.
Melt butter and golden syrup in saucepan. 4. Take off
heat. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup. 5.
Add to melted butter mixture in the pan. 6 Quickly
add to big mixing bowl. Mix well. 7. Roll tablespoonful
of the mixture into balls. Place on trays 5cm apart.

Anzac Biscuits are easy to make and could be a

wonderful bonding experience with your children.
Page 3

Press lightly with fork. 8. Bake for 20 minutes. Serves


APRIL 2015

Volume 1, Issue1

Dear Ecokids Parent,

The best gift any parent can give their child is the love of good books and the joy and
benefits of good reading. Children who read at home, or are read to, have a head start on
reading success in school.
Ecokids is participating in Scholastic Book Club this year. Every second month during the
school year we will send home a Club flyer with a different selection of developmentally
appropriate books offered. Youll find award-winning books, as well as old and new
favourites. The books span a wide range of childrens reading levels and interests and are
inexpensive (some books cost as little as $2).
It is easy to order. Every second month staff will issue a catalogue to you. Just look over
the selections with your child, select the books you want, mark them on the order form on
the back of the brochure, and pay the amount you purchased by calling 1800557908 for
free or visiting (We apologise that no cash can be accepted)
Orders need to be placed no later than Monday 4th May 2015 please. Return the order
form to the centre with details of your receipt number and the amount you paid. The books
will arrive around three weeks after sending the class order to Scholastic.
Owning your own books is something special! We hope that you will encourage your child
to order books this year. Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for our
classroom; however there is never any obligation to order. We know of no better way to
encourage reading than to allow children to choose the books they want to read. They can
also be used for great gift ideas.

Ecokids Team
PS: For more information about the books in this offer, you can visit the Scholastic
Book Clubs Web site at You will also find great activities and
resources for you and your child

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