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Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

Lesson Plan
Class: Year 9 Silver

Date: 28 May 2015

Time: Start 10:00, Finish 11:00

Key Learning Area: Technology


Lesson Topic: Applying Finishes to Timber

Recent Prior Experience:

Teacher has previously briefly spoken about different types of finishes the students can use.

Syllabus Outcome(s):

Indicators of Learning for this


- 4.3.1 Uses a range of relevant material for specific purposes.

By the end of this lesson, the

students will:
- 4.3.2 Recognise the use of appropriate

Any safety issues to be



Student correctly use a timber finish on

Their completed timber projects.

Steps can re-call all the steps of applying

a certain finish to there project.

knowledge and understanding of the relationship between the properties of materials and their
- Asses the students timber project and
inspect the quality of the application of
the finish.


Board of Studies NSW (2003). Industrial Technology Years 7-10: Syllabus, Sydney.
Keep the room well ventilated when using certain finishes (danish oil). If oil goes into eye or cuts, wash out with
- Leadbeatter, B., Keable, J., & Clarke, T. (1974). Woodworking Part One (3rd ed., pp.
Resources: Cabots Danish Oil (back of tin)
12-17, 136).

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

Content/Indicators of
Identifying introduction,
logos associated with
multimedia sites:
Q. What is a finish?
A. Timber finishing refer to
the process of
embelling/protecting the
surface of a wooden
Q. Before we started to
manufacture our own man
made finishes, what did we
use before?
A. Traditionally people
used to use animal fats e.g
aboriginals would use
animal fats to rub into
there wooden tools and
weapons. Chinese and
Japanese craftspeople
have a used a lacquer for
more then 2000 years
from tree-sap.



Teaching Strategies/Learning

Resources and Organisation:

T ask Ss to enter class with apron on, Computer for the attendance roll.
ties off, and shirts tucked in. T gets
Ss to sit on top of workbenches
whilst attendance roll is marked.
T goes through any hazards that
may be present in the room, before
commencing the class.
T asks Ss by a show of hands how
many students know what a finish is.
And know more then just one type of
timber finish.

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

Q. What is the preparation
process for finishing a
timber project?
A. Youre timber needs to
be thoroughly sanded back 10:05
from 6 grit sand paper all
the way to 320 grit, before
applying your first coat.
Q. What different types of
finishes do we commonly
A. The main types of
finishes that you will
encounter in a school are
waxes, stains, and
Q. What is the difference
between soft and
hardwood, and does
applying finishes change

T will ask students why do you wants

to sand back our projects before we
will apply the first coat of oil.

Have all the different grades of

sandpaper to show the students.

T will hand out the different grit sand

paper to the Ss and to analysis the
different texture of sand papers, and
ask Ss what the difference is, by
students raising there hand to
answer the question.


T will give a demonstration on how

to apply the Danish Oil to a
softwood, and a hardwood, and also
explain the differences in applying
finishes to the two different types of

Use two pieces of scrap wood, one

softwood and one hard wood. Also
have a piece of chux to show the
students how to apply the oil with.

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

pending the type of


T will get Ss to go and work on there
projects and ask T if they have any

Q. Why do we use
A. To protect the timber
and for aesthetic reasons.

Students clean workshop
and put projects away.


T will let the Ss know that there is 5

minutes till the end of class and to
start packing up. T will pick one S
from each workbench to be in charge
of sweeping up around the table.
Once the Ss believe everything is
clean and tip and put away, they will
all sit on top of there workbenches
whilst T inspects every workbench
and surrounding area then one by
one excuses the Ss/workbenches.

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

To what extent did the learners achieve the intended learning outcomes?
The students at the end of the class had a thorough understanding of what a finish is, why we use a finish on our
timber, the different types of finishes, and there effects of different type of timber, hardwood and softwood. The
students received the brief history of the use of finishes of timber and also how to apply it to their job.
What evidence do you have of this?
The evidence was clear in that the students that were up to oiling their projects, did oil there projects in the correct
manner as explained during the demonstrations. From walking around the room and observing what the students
were doing, reassured me that they were on task and were doing everything correctly. There were nearly no
questions from the students asking how to do what I had demonstrated for them.
Outline the follow-up to this lesson for the learners.
The follow up lesson will be just continuing on from what you did the lesson before, because with this particular
subject you will also have students at different steps of the project due to different skills levels, and if students are
away for a lesson you easily fall behind. For the next lesson for students who have applied there first coat of oil on
their project they will again sand back the timber but with a fine grit wet and dry sandpaper (1200). The student
already knows what to do in regards to sanding back for the second and third coat as it was spoken about during
the demonstration.

Evaluation of Teaching

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

Identify the teaching strategies / learning experiences that were MOST effective. Explain why.
The most effecting teaching strategies was getting the class in, and letting them settle, ensuring that they are all
quiet and concentrating before commencing the lesson. This meant that all attention was on me and they were
going to listen to what I was saying. By having all the student shoulder to shoulder made sure that I could see all
the students, and they could clearly see me. Also by walking around the classroom and observing what the
students are doing and seeing when you could step in and assist. While a student is working on their project, by
asking then what they are doing, and why are they doing it really helped to make sure the students understood
what they are doing and question whether they are doing it right.
Identify the teaching strategies / learning experiences that were LEAST effective. Explain why.
What I had noticed that was not working very well in the class were students who had already completed there
project and had nothing to do, they were walking around the workshop distracting other students from working on
there projects. The teacher that usually runs the lesson has a rule that if you have finished everything you are to
walk around and help out students who are falling behind. The problem with this was that you had groups of kids
who had finished everything talking in groups and creating hazards.
How appropriate was the timing through the various sections of the lesson? Why?
My timing was not the greatest. I spoke too quickly and forgot to mention a few things. Timing is a very critical
thing in a lesson, because youre only set to a certain amount of time in a period, usually no more then an hour,
and you have a lot to fit in that one hour. Because my class was an all boys class, when they got to the class they
were all very rowdy. Giving the students some time to calm down, get out there projects is necessary. Because if
you dont give them time to settle they will be rowdy the whole lesson. I was continually telling the class
throughout the lesson how much time there was left in the lesson so they could judge what they can get done, and
what they should start/finish before getting told to start cleaning up. When it came to cleaning up, you want that to
be youre priority at the end of the lesson, ensuring that all the floors are swept and the benches are cleaned and

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

all tools put away. Giving the students a solid 10minutes before the class finishes to do this was perfect, and even
gave me a couple of minutes at the end of lesson to go over everything we have learnt during the lesson and also
quiz students on what I spoke about at the start of the lesson.
Describe how the selection and use of resource supported learning in the lesson.
The use of resources didnt assist this particular lesson too much as a lot of the content that I taught was
knowledge that I have from being taught/doing it previously. Although the resources that I did was which was
Woodworking Part One, a textbook that goes through all the fundamentals of woodwork was a good resource as it
reassured stuff that I was unsure about in regards to hardwood and softwood, and it also gave me the information
about the use of finishes with aboriginals and Chinese and Japanese craftspeople.

Identify what motivated the students? Why

From my observations what motivated the students was seeing students who were ahead of them, the students
trying to catch up and compete with one another on who has the better looking project. This healthy competition
was very good for a classroom, as it encourages the students to really try there best. In a smaller picture, what
really motivated the students to hurry and get focused on there work was when I would yell out to the class how
long we have, they all put there heads down and got straight into there work cause they knew that they need to
make the most out of each lesson.
Identify the classroom management strategies that were most effective. Explain why.
The most successful classroom management strategies that were used is that when the teacher is talking, no one
else it talking. All students have to be facing the teacher when they are teaching. If you want to talk, you raise you
hand, and if another student is talking you arent to talk. These methods worked very well as everyone gets a

Andrew Aslanidis S00158935 EDFD270

chance to speak and the class is quiet so you can hear each individual talk. There is also a rule that if you do
anything that is dangerous you are immediately sent out of class as safety is our number one concern in the
workshop. By sending the student out of the class it also sets another example to students that, that behavior is
not tolerated.
What was the most satisfying about the lesson?
The most satisfying thing about the lesson was being able to help the students when they had a problem with
there project, showing them how to do something then watching them do it.
Based on these reflections, outline steps you now take to improve your teaching in future lessons.
The way that I will improve my teaching in future lessons is to just slow down a little more and be a little more
strict on the students that are misbehaving.

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