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Focus Questions

(Week 4)

1. Research the invertebrates in your area.

In my area, I have found bees and worms. In my site, bees are usually seen on the flowers
of my main plant and hovering around other flowers growing in the grass. Bees are useful for the
pollination of plants. After the rain last week, I saw an earthworm on the edge of my site on the
dirt path. Worms help keep soil fertile with organic matter which in turn keeps plants healthy.
2. What is their role?
The role of bees in my environment is to take pollen from a flower and bring it to another
which helps them populate an area. The role of bees in my environment is to decompose
decaying matter and excrete it to give new nutrients to the soil. These new nutrients help plants
grow stronger which can be used for food or shelter for larger animals in my mini-ecosystem.
3. Where are they found and why?
Bees are usually found in colonies that live in hives and each have specialized functions
to allow the hive to thrive. Worms are typically found in the dirt in the ground. They usually
come out during rain to avoid drowning.

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