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Contact NLCC - JRK Millen Branch

Telephone 204.943.7745 ext.3291


May 17, 2015


Media Advisory
NLCC JRK Millen Branch
Event Venue: #1 Navy Way, Winnipeg, MB
Event Date: 1BMay 17, 2015
Event Time: 6:30 pm 9:00 pm (1830 hours 2100 hours)
The Navy League Cadets of Canada, JRK Millen Branch, will be holding their Annual Ceremonial Review
on Friday, May 22, 2015 at #1 Navy Way, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Review will consist of Cadets
performing precision drill movements and entertainment by their marching band. The Cadets will be
also be demonstrating their acquired skills in Seamanship, Boat Work, First Aid, Naval Knowledge,
Citizenship, Marksmanship, Teamwork and Self Discipline.
I cannot imagine a more rewarding youth organization than the Navy League Cadets of
Canada. I have been with the cadet program since 1971 and have seen young cadets
grow into successful adults. My time in cadets led me to a 36 year career in the
Canadian Armed Forces. I see my volunteer time with the cadets as being my way of
giving back to the community by being a positive role model to the leaders

of tomorrow. We had a very exciting training year and seeing the smiles on the Cadets
faces and their eagerness to learn new skills makes me look forward to another exciting
year as the Commanding Officer. All our officers and staff ensure a safe, challenging and
enjoyable learning environment free of bullying and peer pressure. Please come and visit
- the Brow is open. Commanding Officer Andre Sheppard

My son chose to join the NLCC at JRK Millen as it is the only

program, pre-Cadets, for kids his age. I asked him after the end of his
first year if he wanted to continue in Navy League and I received a
resounding yes. He is now completing his second year with the Navy
League and will be returning for two more years until he joins Sea
Cadets. As a parent I am proud to see that my son has developed a
increased sense of community awareness, teamwork and respect thanks
to this program. I applaud all the Volunteers - Officers, Branch
Executives and parent Volunteers - for their unwavering dedication.
Parents comment
If your child is between the ages of 9 to 12 years old (not turning 13 before December 31, 2015), male or
female, and looking for a fun, challenging and learning environment please visit the JRK Millen web site
at www.JRKMillen for photos and additional information. Our program is open to kids throughout the
city of Winnipeg and its outlying areas.
Registration for 2015/2016 will be in September 2015 at HMCS Chippawa. Check the website for exact
times and date.
If you would like more information about the Annual Ceremonial Review, or the Cadet program as a
whole, please contact the NLCC - JRK Millen Branch at 204.943.7745 ext.3291 or email the Branch

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