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ence and pseudo science Friday 9am week 6 Frisvog/2014 9.20 Good introduction. iso consider the arrangement of the he audience closer eg ina it might be a go% rain gym is a pseudoscience Climate change disbelief, Well done, Note that with climate change disbelief to be a pseudo science they need to bbe using evidence for their purposes but not accepting evidence that is contrary to the their ideas. le trying to appear 0 be a science. Gooden ows questions tthe audience something to think abouts that f the question are important itis often aerassary to give thinking or discussion time, Consider the types of questors Ye ask and the purpose of asking eases he questions require deeper thinking, structure the audience participation 1 incorporate this ie thinking trot nd a way to honor/tecord their responses. Ifthe questions are to promPt thinking only ie rhetorical then make sure you have a response that picks out the main points of each example as to exactly why it isa science or pseudoscience. ent int ppt hw eos Wa gta ure an ene Wal one > choices of examples on science and pseudoscience were interesting} The conclusion was good. 'm glad you summarized the main features. 40.10 finished Overall the pre planning was excellent. yearse the in-class section and try to stay in your characters @ dialogue so that the characters are an intricate part of the communication and considering how to manage audience thinking time for the higher order question: cR Jenny Martin Lecturer | School of Education ‘Australian Catholic University

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