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Victoria Guyse and Tristen Gamboa

May 11, 2015

Mrs. Parsons
Period 4
Inquiry Question:
How does metabolism work? Why is it different for different people?
Can we change our metabolic rate and how does consumption in combination with exercise impact
this rate?
Explained Question
Why do people have to eat different amounts of food? Why do people have different body
Metabolism is a word that is used to describe the chemical reactions that come with
maintaining the living state of cells and the organism. There are two parts that make up our
metabolism which are Catabolism and Anabolism. Catabolism is where the molecules are broken down
to obtain energy. Anabolism is known as the synthesis of all compounds needed by the cells. The
pathways of metabolism rely on nutrients that they breakdown in order to produce energy. Foods
supply carbs in three different forms starch, sugar and cellulose. Carbohydrates and sugars are known
to yield glucose by digestion or metabolism. Proteins help in cell structure, functions, haemoglobin
formation to carry oxygen, and enzymes to carry out vital reactions. Proteins are also vital in providing
nitrogen for DNA and RNA genetic material and energy production.
Yes, the metabolic rate for two people could vary depending on what they consume on a daily
basis and how active they are. Everybody's body composition varies when speaking of muscle mass to
the amount of fat their bodies contain making the exercise component very important when we look at
the rate of their metabolism. Why? Well, the more active the individual the more calories they will burn
resulting in them having a faster metabolic rate and digesting the foods quickly. Also the more active
one is the less fat they will contain on their bodies because they use up all the nutrients from the foods
they consume. Whereas an inactive person will end up still getting the benefits from their food
however, that energy that their food has given them they won't use and will turn into stored energy in
their bodies or in other words, fat. Genetics play a big role when speaking of the topic also, there are
three different types of body types, mesomorphs (those with athletic builds), endomorphs (those with
bigger bodies) and ectomorphs (those with very thin builds). Another reason why you could have a fast
metabolism is if you have an overactive thyroid gland and that can be classified as
Two other things that cause a faster metabolic rate is smoking and stress.

Answer to Question:
Metabolism works differently for different people because, certain factors such as, age, gender,
activity level, genetics, and dietary restrictions play a role in the amount of food people should
consume to either maintain, gain, or lose weight. Getting the right amount of calories to fit your
requirements is one thing, but we also believe that getting a minimum of 30 minutes of physical
activity per day along with nutritious sources of calories such as a balanced diet of quality proteins,
carbs, and fats are just as important to metabolism. Age and gender can play a huge role in the way you
digest certain foods. In fact the composition of foods can also affect the rate and energy required to
break it down into ATP (biological chemical energy); for example it is easier to break down a salad

versus a steak dinner. This energy required to burn and digest food is called the Thermic Effect of
Feeding (TEF). This is also a reason why metabolic rate is different for an adult than a child, because
the digestive system changes as we get older, and the enzymes that break down the food into chemical
energy can vary from each stage of life, some enzymes being quicker or slower at metabolizing food.
With activity level and environmental factors, such as smoking and stress, can increase the Thermic
Effect of Activity (TEA). TEA is the energy expended on activities and the heat it gives off into the
atmosphere. Lastly, the BMR is based on body composition and genetics. BMR stands for basal
metabolic rate, which is basically the energy required to carry out basic bodily functions, such as
breathing and pumping blood. This is the hardest of the factors to alter, however it can be changed by
body mass, because it takes more energy to maintain more pounds of muscle at rest. Overall, the
process of metabolizing is different for different people because many different controlled and random
variables come into play. The best way to balance a healthy metabolism and lifestyle is to do your best
at controlling what you can, such as eating healthy and exercising frequently.
Further Research:
1. Body composition
2. What determines basal metabolic rate
3. How we burn calories
4. Neuroscience of exercise
5. Why do people digest things differently

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