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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 18
7th November2014
House Rugby on the final day before half term was a closely
fought contest, victory eventually going to Nelson, with 9
points to Hoods 7. Pavn Judge amassed 5 tries, and Will Ansell
and David Obi 3 each. There was one try each for Sam Verrall,
Ian Dermit, Roan Chima, Max Owen and Megan Salter. Well
done to each team, and thank you to Mrs Rogers for organizing
the event.

As a reminder, the parents strategy meeting takes place

next Wednesday, 12th November. There are drinks and
canaps at 6.30pm, followed at 7.00pm by a presentation, and then by open discussion. The evening is scheduled to end at around 8.15pm. It takes place in the
school hall. I do hope as many parents as possible will be
able to come and look forward to seeing you there.

I hope all families had very good half terms. One event over
that time which is a pleasure to be able to report here was a
fund-raiser organized by Alex McMaster and Bo Rogers, who
sold home-made hair bands and other items to passers by, in
Greenhithe. The girls did really well and raised 119.75 for
Children In Need. Many congratulations to them both.

Looking Ahead

During this past week, the book fair has been in full swing, with
a wide range of books on sale morning and evening in the
school hall. Thank you to the staff who have supervised the
fair. Its been really good to see many children loking over the
books, buying them, and then, one assumes, reading them, or
in the case of the Minecraft guides, using them for new
creations in the Minecraft world!
This morning was Year 4s assembly for Remembrance, in this
centenary year of the start of the First World War. Firstly, I
must apologise that last weeks newsletter had a mistaken timing which meant that some parents arrived quite late on. It was
nonetheless a really reflective and thoughtful series of readings
and songs, which looked at many facets of Remembrance. As
Mrs Baldacci said at the end, much background work had been
covered prior to the assembly itself, so much will have been
learned as a result of putting on this theme, which is of course
of such magnitude for us all.

Week 10
Mon 10th November

Advisory Board visits

and meetings (pm)

Wed 12th November

Parents Strategy
meeting (6.30 for

Fri 14th November

House cross-country
(1.45pm, Bat and Ball
cricket ground)

Week 11
Tuesday 18th November

History of Pantomime
Workshop (Infants,
Years 4 and 5)

Wed 19th November

Open Morning (any

parent invited to
spend time with their
childs class, from 9 to
11am. Parents are
asked to book in with
the School Office)

Fri 21st November

House basketball
(1.45pm, Isaac Newton Hall, Mayfield

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