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Terry Major (teres major) and Del (deltoid) work on the axle (axillary n)
Superscap (suprascapular n) does superspin (supraspinatus m) and sub (subscapularis m)
Subscaps (2 subscapular nn) do the subscap (subscapularis m)
Musculocut (musculocutaneous n) does the elbow flexors and skin sense below elbow
Radial n does the elbow and wrist extensors
Median n does the wrist flexors and thenar compartment
Ulnar n does the hypothenar and interosseus m
SALT = Serratus Anterior innervated by Long Thoracic
Brachioradialis m innervated by radial n
Flexor carpi ulnaris m innervated by ulnar n
Prof Flexdig (flexor digitorum profundus) is so profound that he needs double brain
access: median n and ulnar n
Lumber is split. (Lumbrical mm innervated by median n and ulnar n)
Add Poll (adductor pollicis m) in (innervated by) Uln! (ulnar n)

Carpal Bones: Sally left the party to take Carol home = Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum (tri=3),
Pisiform, Trapezium (the firstium), Trapezoid (the latter zoid), Capitate, Hamate

Wave bye-bye to your lumber. (Lumbricals do the "bye-bye" motion.)

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