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: Astrie Gamayanti



A miraculous tree
Read this text with loudly voice to build up your confidence.
After that, answer the question.
Once upon a time, there was a hawker who sold mangoes. Every
morning, he sold yhem along the roadside near the big market. His
mangoes were big, juicy, sweet and fragrant. Although he sold them a
high price, a lot of people bought from him. Eventually, he grew very
haughty and conceited nas his sales pickedup.
On Sunday morning, an old dirty beggar wearing scruffy and
smelly clothing stood in front of his mango stall. He begged the hawker
for one mango. The beggar said politely, sir, I have not eaten a mango
since I was ten. Can you please spare me just one fruit? the proud
hawker didnt even give him a wink but continued to shout, mangoes!
Mangoes! as the beggar stood right in front of his stall, other people
had to move (further) away from the stall to avoid the beggar, and that
affected the hawkers business.
Finally, the hawker got very angry and pushed the beggar away.
In doing so, the old tripped and slipped on a puddle of dirty water. A
housewife who saw the incident felt sorry for the beggar and give him
a mango. The beggar was very touched and kept on saying, thank
you over and over again. He told the crowd that he was going to share
the mango wih them. He borrowed a knife from the butcher a few stalls
away, cut the mango into smaller pieces and ate them with the people
As for the big mango seed, the beggar dug a hole in the ground
and buried the seed. Then, he asked the young butcher to give him
some water for the seed. After, that the beggar uttered some words.
To everyones surprise, a small sprout shot up and rapidly grew into a
mature mango tree bearing big, sweet, juicy and fragrant mangoes all
over the tree. The beggar then plucked the fruit and gave then away
to the people. The arrogant hawker left his own stall and joined the
crowd to watch the beggar performing this miracle.
After all mangoes were given away to the people, the beggar
walked into the crowd and disappeared. The proud hawker walked back
to his stall and screamed, how stole all my mangoes? Finally, he
realized that all the mangoes growing on that tree actually belonged to

him. The beggar who was actually a high priest, had wanted to teach
a lesson. From that day onwards, this once haughty and conceited
hawker became a humble and charitable person.
(Adapted from Creative English Workbook 2B
Page 1-2)

Task 1
Shere with your friend to answer the question based on the
text above.
1. Why did people still buy mangoes from the hawker despite his
high price?
Answer: because his mangoes were big, juice, sweet, and
2. What happened to the hawker when more and more people
started to buy mangoes from him?
Answer: he grew very haughty and conceited as his sales picked
3. Whom did the hawker meet at the market on one Sunday
Answer: the beggar
4. What did the beggar tell the hawker?
Answer:he begged the hawker for one mango
5. Did the hawker give the beggar a mango?
Answer: no, he didnt
6. How did the people react when the beggar stood in front of the
Answer: other people had to movie (further) away the stay to
avoid the beggar
7. Who gave the beggar a mango? Why?
Answer:a house wife because for saw the ncident felt sorry for
the beggar
8. What did the beggar do with the mango?

Answer: he cut the mango into smaller pieces and ate them with
the people there
9. What happened after the beggar uttared some word?
10.What is the moral value of the story?
Answer:dont be haughty person

Little Red Riding Hood

Read the following text patiently bacause, maybe you need
more than once to understand the content.
Little Red Riding Hood
Ill tell you a story about a girl name Little Red Riding Hood. She
had a poor old granny who was lying sick in bed. Little Red Ridding
Hood came through the woods with a basket full of food, when out of
the bushes stepped this good looking wolf dude!
He said, Hey Red! I sure like the way you walk! She said,
Buzz off, Wolf. I dont have time to stop and talk. Gotta get to my
grannys house so she wont get any sicker. But the wolf knew a
shortcut and went to grannys house quicker.
Granny hid in the closet when Wolfie jumped into bed
dressed in Grannys cap and gown. When Red came in, wolfie came
around.wolfie jumped into bed dressed in Grannys cap and gown.when
red came in,wolfie grinned a toothy grin,and threw back the covers and
told red to jump in.
Now red was distracted by wolfies manly chrams.But just when
he was ready to take her in hisarms,Granny came out of the closet and
swept into the room,and beat wolfies butt with the handle of her
This story has a moral, just you know it should;Never talk to
a stranger when youre walking in the woods.And if youre a wolf,you
can learn a lesson too:Dont mess around with grannies if you know
whats good for you!
(Adapted from:

Task 1
Shere with your friend to answer the question based on the
text above.
1. What is the girls name?
Answer:little red riding hood
2. What happened to her grandmother?
Answer:iying sick in bed
3. What was she doing when she met the wolf?
Answer:go to get to her granns house
4. Why didnt she stop and talk to the wolf?
Answer: because she dont have time to talk
5. Why did the wolf get to the house quicker?
Answer:because wolfie jumped into bed dressed in grams
cap and gown
6. Where was her grandmother when the wolf came?
Answer:granny hid in the cioset
7. What did the wolf do in the house?
Answer:he incognito to granny
8. What did the wolf plead the girl to do?

Answer: he was readdy to take her in his arms

9. What finally happened?
10.What is the moral value of the story?

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