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Callum East (UP680794)

CT5ANIGP - AFX Project - Production Diary

Throughout the 12 weeks (and beyond) allotted for our project, I did various
tasks with varying degrees of complexity and success.
Due to some scheduling issues and displeasure with our initial project, our first 6
weeks were disrupted and mainly went unused.
Following this predicament, I began working on character designs as the newly
appointed designer.
For Week 6, I begun creating mood boards for our Elk and Female Lead, and
began to draft some initial ideas.
For Week 7, I began refining these ideas further, creating more sketches and
detailed images of our characters.
For Week 8, and following on to Week 12, I experimented with both digital and
traditional tests, creating frame drafts, digital boils and other effects that could
be used for our Final Piece
Lastly, during the final weeks before our deadline, I assisted animation by
animating 3 different scenes along with digitally enhancing them and
compositing them into film.

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