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1. What role did the military play in shaping the economy of Brazil?

Military leaders helped Brazils economy to increasingly grow

with the use of foreign investment, and began projects to help
develop and improve conditions Amazon jungle, leaving the
economy in a good place.
2. What were some of the positive benefits of one-party rule in
President Lazaro Cardenas did his best to improve life for
handworkers. #e carried out land reforms and promoted labor
rights. He also helped to improve the Mexican oil industry.
3. What effect did the Falklands war have on the military
government in Argentina?
After being defeated by Britain, the government generals were
so disgraced that they stepped down. Argentines then had
their first free election since 37 years,electing Raul Alfonsin
as their president, who worked to rebuild the economy and a
democracy. Following Alfonsin, Carlos Menem was later elected
as president,and he continued this process. Economic problems
still intensified in the late 1990s, leaving the country
4. Review the chart of Population Living in Poverty
[a] In which three countries of Latin America is the percentage of
people living in poverty the lowest?
Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador.
[b] In which three countries is the poverty rate highest?
Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay.

5. After reading this excerpt, in your opinion, has the military

dictatorships in Latin America nations been bad or good for the
nations' growth? Explain your answer in two paragraphs [minimum].
I think that it has done them worse. When looking at the graphs i
see that majority of the nations are high in the poverty range. All
the wars and dictatorships that went on caused their economy to be
a mess. Also, i see that many of the civilians rebelled against the
leaders by forming their own parties or social groups.When Peron
was in office he seemed to be more worried about his popularity
while his wife was still alive and after she died he went dark and
killed 30,000+ of his own people by having the government kill them
secretly. This ended up causing chaos in the Latin American
countries too.
a. Brasilia- The new capital given to Brazil. This was changed in order
to help with the development projects that Juscelino Kubitschek had
for Brazil.
b. Land reform-Breaking up large estates and distributing that land
to peasants. This plan was opposed by Kubitcheks successors to ease
economic and social problems.
c. Standard of living-Level of material comfort which is determined
by the amount of goods people have. This was a downside to the
economy during the Amazon jungle reforms.
d. Recession-A slowdown in the economy.
e. PRI-Institutional revolutionary party that was the main force for
political stability in Mexico.

f. NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement- This removed

trade barriers between Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
g. Nationalization of an industry
h. Welfare state-a government that tries to provide for all its
citizens needs including health, education, and employment.

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