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CINDY CASTRO (702)773-1171

Get drivers license by practicing (40 hours in the morning and 10 hours at night)
Fund my way through college by getting scholarships and get any part-time job
Pursue a degree in neonatal nursing by finding a college I think is suitable and keep up
my GPA.

Ed W. Clark High School
2016 Pursuing an Honors diploma
Done 29 hours of community service
3.6 GPA
Enrolled in many advanced placement and honors classes

No prior experience

Bilingual; fluent in speaking, writing, and reading both Spanish and English
Secretary of F.E.A. (Future Educators Association), am skillful in dealing with stacks of paper
and taken the responsibility of categorizing and alphabetizing.
Learned about the development of elementary school scholars, am skillful at interacting with
students so they wont feel intimidated by me.
Am perfectly comfortable with public speaking
Know how to use a computer such as working on Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint.

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