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Patrick Seidel and Matt August Present

CER for the following question

What is the process by which a nation

Claim: A nation industrializes by shifting from backwardsness to


The process in which a society or country (or world) transforms itself from a primarily
agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services is industrializing.
Modernization is a commonly used term for when a community undergoes on the way from
backwardness to modernization. When a cities economy is subpar it might choose to industrialize
due to economy, but has a bad effect on the ecosystem. Industrializing also helps the economy by
providing jobs used to produce mass production of products, this leads to growth of population
and standard of living increases. After a nation
industrializes there will be more factories, more jobs,
and a better economy. Individual manual labor is often
replaced by mechanized mass production and craftsmen
are replaced by assembly lines. Characteristics of
industrialization include the use of technological
innovation to solve problems as opposed to superstition or
dependency upon conditions outside human control such as the weather, as
well as more efficient division of labor and economic growth. This evidence shows that when a
country introduces new factories and new manufacturing techniques, it has industrialized.
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