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Jason Pennington

7 May 2015

Horseshoe dog
This dog created out of horseshoes, a big nail, splicing wire, a hammer head and
washers are showing the creativity put into this project because you dont really see a
horse shoe dog. They are a great way to show my creativity in the way of getting a dog
to form out of three and a half horseshoes.
This helped me discover how many uses there are for horseshoes. I chose to
discover new ways to use horseshoes by making sculptures out of them.
You can connect horseshoes to art by welding and bending them together to
make a sculptor or piece of art. Horseshoes are rigid so they are hard to work with,
however, they can be manipulated by heat.
This project was a hard project to do because I had to weld the metal in weird
positions. The metal was hard to weld because some of the metal was really thin and
you had to turn the heat down and back up so I did not always get good penetration on
the first try.

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