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NIGHT Final Project Assessment
5 Excellent= Very high performance. All expectations of the project are met and/or exceeded.
4 Strong= Strong performance with some improvement possible. All expectations of the project are met but could be
3 Competent= Competent performance with areas for improvement. Most project expectations are met, but could be
improved or expanded with reflection and revision.
2 Emerging=Although the project was attempted, many project expectations are not met. Significant improvement is
1 Not Evident= Little or no evidence of learning. Project expectations are not met.
Student SelfEvaluation

Teacher Evaluation

Project includes all required
components and adheres to or
exceeds assignment expectations.
Project is well-crafted, organized,
sturdy, and ready to display.
Accuracy/Support (x2)
Project displays a comprehensive
grasp of the significant ideas of the
text. Where possible, evidence from
the memoir and outside sources was
used appropriately and
documented. Connection sheet is
complete and demonstrates a strong
connection to the text.
Precise, accurate, and correct
language is used.
Total Score
(50 points possible)




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