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1020 Dead lover Poems

Length- 4 full pages +works cited page (4 outside sources; the poems
dont count; outside sources are those that talk about/analyze the poem))
Write an essay comparing all of the males in these poems? Who is the craziest and
1. The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond- Matthew
2. Porphyrias Lover the speaker
3. My Last Duchess the Duke
4. Annabel Lee the speaker

Look at their motivation, behavior, attitude, interaction with other characters

and psychological state.
If you did the extra credit, you have already outlined your essay!
Remember, support each claim with evidence from the poem!!!

Summarize each poem (2-3 sentences each).
Define insanity and necrophilia
Thesis- ___________ from the poem _______________ by _____________ is the
craziest because ______________________.
Body: (you can put the poems in whichever order seems most logical to you)
Poem 1
a. Describe the speaker.
b. Describe the victim
c. Describe their relationship
d. Describe the murder
ii. Poem 2
a. Describe the speaker.
b. Describe the victim
c. Describe their relationship
d. Describe the murder
iii. Poem 3
a. Describe the speaker.
b. Describe the victim
c. Describe their relationship
d. Describe the murder
iv. Poem 4
a. Describe the speaker.
b. Describe the victim
c. Describe their relationship
d. Describe the murder
Summarize your argument.
What should the punishment be for each speaker?

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