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Chapter 5: Conclusion and Justification

The proponents proposed the system Reservation and Billing System for
Seafarers Inn to help the company be more prolific in processing their transactions in
terms of reservation, billing and other vital transactions.
5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the Reservation and Billing System for Seafarers Inn is certain to help the
company be more prolific in processing their transactions in terms of reservation, billing
and other vital transactions. With the aforementioned scope, the system is deemed to
help not only to give ease to the user but also make the establishment more productive by
gaining more customers.
5.2 Recommendation
The proponents highly recommend implementing the system to be used by
Seafarers Inn to obtain better accuracy, greater efficiency, better management and
The following are recommended for further studies:
1. The offline system must be used only by authorized users to avoid manifested
changes of records.
2. The personnel using the system should undergo a lecture and training on how to
use the system.

Reservation and Billing System for Seafarers Inn

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