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z B

Here is your FREE, bonus pattern as promised in Knitters
Magazine, Fall 2003.
1 Sl sts purlwise with yarn at WS of work. 2 Pick up sts in
every other row along triangle edge picking up a st in the
larger st resulting from the dec st along the triangle edge.
Dec Triangle
Row 1 (RS) Knit. Row 2 Purl. Row 3 SSK, k to last 2 sts,
k2tog. Rep rows 2 and 3 until 2 sts rem, end with row 2. Next
row (RS) K2tog. Fasten off last st.
Inc Triangle
Row 1 (RS) Pick up and k 2 sts, one from each side of V
formed by sides of triangle(s) below. Row 2 Sl 1, p1, pick up
and p 1 st along edge of triangle. Row 3 Sl 1, k2, pick up and
k 1 st along edge of triangle. Row 4 Sl 1, p to last st, pick up
and p 1 st. Row 5 Sl 1, k to end, pick up and k 1 st. Rep rows
4 and 5, end with row 5.
With A, cast on 52 sts. Join and work in K1, p1 rib. Work 12
rnds dec to 48 on final row.

Asymmetrical Socks
by Gerdine Strong

Section 1
With color B, K24. Turn. Work Dec Triangle beg with row 2.
When 2 sts rem, end with k2tog and fasten off. Break yarn.

i n t er m ed iat e
Mens Medium
over St st (k on RS, p on WS),
using size 2.25mm /US 1 needles

Fine weight
Color A, purple
Color B, red

Section 2
With RS facing and C work a band along left edge of B. Row
1 (RS) K 12 sts. Row 2 With a free needle, p to end, pick up
and p1 along B Triangle. Row 3 Sl 1, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Rep last 2 rows until all sts along A Triangle have been picked
up (end with a WS row). Work a dec triangle and fasten off.
Break yarn.
Section 3
With D, work as section 2, along left edge of section 2. Work
a dec triangle and fasten off. Break yarn.

Color C, green
Color D, yellow
Color E, blue
Color F, orange

Four double-pointed needles

2.25mm/US 1
This page was last updated 12/19/06

Section 4
With E, starting in V between Sections 1 and 3, pick up 2
sts and work an inc diamond to 24 stitches, then work a dec
triangle, fasten off and break yarn.
Section 5 Shaping
Left side of ankle (rt side of sketch)
With RS facing and A, beg in V between Sections 3 and 4 and
work as foll: Row 1 (RS) Pick up and k 2 sts. Row 2 Sl 1, p1,

pick up and p1 along edge. Row 3 Sl 1, k1, inc 1, k1,

pick up and k1. Row 4 Sl 1, p 4, pick up and p1. Row
5 Sl 1, k3, inc 1, k2, pick up and k1. Row 6 Sl 1, p7,
pick up and p1. Row 7 Sl 1, k5, inc 1, k3, pick up and
k1. Cont in this way, working 1 more k st before inc
every RS row until there are 35 sts on needle [1 less
than 3/4 of total]. Next row p12 [1/4 of total] and place
remaining 23 [1 less than 1/2 of total] on holder. Work
dec triangle over the 12 sts, fasten off and break yarn.
Section 6 Side band and shaping
Right side of ankle (left side of sketch)
With 2 more needles and F, beg in V between Sections
2 and 4 and work as foll: Row 1 (RS) Pick up and k 2
sts. Row 2 Sl 1, p1, pick up and p1 along edge. Row
3 Sl 1, k1, inc 1, k1, pick up and k1. Row 4 Sl 1, p4,
pick up and p1. Row 5 Sl 1, k2, inc 1, k2, pick up and
k1. Row 6 Sl 1, p7, pick up and p1. Row 7 Sl 1, k4,
inc 1, k3, pick up and k1. Cont in this way, working 2
more k sts before inc until there are 35 sts on needle.
Next row (WS) p 12 [ 1/4 of total] sts from left side
onto a needle, p 23 rem sts from right side onto holder.
Cut yarn. With RS facing rejoin yarn at needle holding
12 [ 1/4 of total] sts. And work a strip as follows: Row
1 (RS) SSK k10 sts and pick up 1 along section 5.
Row 2 With a free needle, sl1 p to end. Row 3 SSK,
k to end, pick up 1. Rep last 2 rows until all sts along
edge of section 5 have been picked up (end with a WS
row). Work a dec triangle and fasten off. Break yarn.
Section 7 Turn heel
With RS facing, slip stitches from holders onto
separate needles. Slip 1 stitch from right needle to left,
attach B and begin. Row 1 K2, SSK, k1, turn. Row 2
Sl 1, p3, p2tog from 2nd needle, p1, turn. Row 3 Sl
1, k4, SSK, k1, turn. Row 4 Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.
Rep rows 3 and 4, working 1 more st before the dec
on each row until 6 sts rem on each side, then replace
SSK with SK2P and p2tog with p3tog 24 sts on
needle ending WS row. Place 12 stitches on each of
2 needles and work a band along section 5 over first
12 sts as follows: Row 1 (RS) K 12 sts. Row 2 With a
free needle, p to end, pick up and p1 along edge of 5.
Row 3 Sl 1, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. Rep last 2 rows until
all sts along A Triangles 5 and 6 have been picked up
(end with a WS row). Work a dec triangle and fasten
off. Break yarn.
Work a dec triangle over second set of 12 stitches,
fasten off and break yarn.
Section 8
With C, starting in V between Sections 6 and 7, pick
This page was last updated 12/19/06

up 2 sts and work an inc diamond to 12 stitches,

place stitches on hold and break yarn. Work another
inc diamond in V of 7 to 12 stitches, then work a dec
triangle over the two sections [24 sts]. Fasten off and
break yarn.
Section 9
With F, starting in V between 7 and 8, pick up 2 sts
and work an inc diamond to 12 stitches, then work a
band as follows: Row 1 (RS) SSK, knit 10 [2 less than
total], pick up and k1. Row 2 Sl 1, p to end. Repeat
last 2 rows until all stitches along edge of Section 8
have been picked up. Work a dec triangle. Fasten off
and break yarn.
Section 10
With D, starting in V between 6 and 8, work just as
Section 9, picking up stitches along 6 and 7 ending
with a dec triangle. Fasten off and break yarn.
Section 11
With A, starting in V between Sections 8 and 10 , pick
up 2 sts and work an inc diamond to 24 stitches, then
work as follows:
Row 1 (RS) K 12 sts. Row 2 With a free needle, p to
end, pick up and p1 along edge of 5. Row 3 Sl 1, k
to last 2 sts, k2tog. Rep last 2 rows until all sts along
section 7 and 8 are picked up then work dec triangle.
Fasten off and break yarn.
Section 12
With A, starting in V between Sections 78, work
as for Section 11, picking up stitches along 7 and 9
ending with a dec triangle. Fasten off and break yarn.
Final toe section.
1 Add a needle when necessary. 2 When you reach 48
[total] sts, begin to work in rnds placing stitches on 3
needles working with fourth.
With B, beg in V between 9 and 11 and work Inc
Triangle until 24 stitches, break yarn, repeat on free
needle in V between 10 and 12. When stitches along
edge are picked up, join and work in round until, foot
measures approx 2" less then desired length.
Shape toe
Place top 24 sts on a needle, and work rounds. Dec on
either side of top needle and at beginning of next and
end of third needle every other round until 12 stitches
remain, and graft toe.

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