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This month and upcoming months target as per published completion schedule (clearly marking discrepancies in well slots,

if any)

Nov-14 Target (Sorted based on drilling End)

1-204 (Slot 204 Drilling completed and well head installed for FM2 Production instead of Polymer Injector)
14-210 ( Slot 210 Drilling completed and well head installed for FM2 Production instead of Polymer Injector)
Dec-14 Target (Sorted based on drilling End)


Hook up hours to be furnished as per originals ( duly deducting Ops walk down / time taken for providing punch lists)

**Please refer attached sheet for detailed issues of delay

October Hook-up

November Hookup

Punch list A & B as per actuals (can be taken from discipline /Pre comm team)

There are no critical milestones for BH / FM2 well hook ups except SIMPOS with drilling & EOR well teams

Engineering completed for BH & FM2 but deviation in P(Procurement in line with revised Eng) is only for two items i.e. SOVs and 4
way JBs ) because of change in X Mas tree from Cameroon to Aker (with upper master valve provision)in FM2 wells

Exceptions are slot no.204 instead of 203 in MWP01 and slot 210 instead of 211 in MWP14 which we shall be carrying out upon MOC

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