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Present Continuous Lesson
When we want to talk about an action that is happening now or at this time (and is
unfinished), we use the present continuous tense. We also use this tense when we
want to make it clear that the action is temporary.
I am looking at the teacher.
You / We / They are looking at the teacher.
He / She is looking at the teacher.
I am not looking at the teacher.
You / We / They are not looking at the teacher.
He / She is not looking at the teacher.
Am I looking at the teacher?
Are you / we / they looking at the teacher?
Is he / she looking at the teacher?
The present continuous is also used to talk about future arrangements.
Tom: What are you doing next week?
Nick: Im going on holiday. I'm travelling to Italy.

The grammatical structure for the present continuous looks like this:
Subject + Verb to be + Verb + ing + Object

Exercise 1
Write down five things happening in the classroom right now. Remember to use the
present continuous.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________

Written by Paul Adams for 2013

Present Continuous Lesson
Exercise 2:
Working alone, write down two sentences using the present continuous tense.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
Next, make two teams. One student comes up to the board and draws a sentence without
writing words or letters, and without speaking.
The other team then tries to guess the correct present continuous sentence.
One point is awarded for each correct answer. The first team to ten points wins the game.
Example: He is playing football.

Exercise 3
Read each sentence and then add another sentence using the present continuous.
A friend calls you in the middle of your favourite TV program. You dont want to be disturbed.
Can you call back? I am watching Survivor.
1. A friend is at your condo and suggests going out, but you can see rain outside.
I don't want to go out now. Look _______________________________________________
2. A friend calls you while you are in class.
Sorry, I can't talk now. _______________________________________________________
3. You want to get off the bus, but the woman next to you is sitting on your bag.
Excuse me, _______________________________________________________________
4. A family member wants to talk to you, but you have just started to write an important
Can I talk to you later? ______________________________________________________
5. You have been sick, but you're better now than you were yesterday.
I'm OK now. _______________________________________________________________

Written by Paul Adams for 2013

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