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Characteristics of a Healthy Parent-Child

1.Flexible/Adaptable: - Good parents must be
flexible and adaptable. They have ability to recognize
and accommodate the childs need. Help the child by
giving clear directions, offering opportunities to choose
and negotiate.
2.Connected: - Parents should have ability to
differentiate the childs worth from his or her behavior,
and create a reward-oriented environment in which
consequences are positive outcome. Respond to a
childs problems or feelings with acceptance, support
and validation.
3. Appropriate boundaries: - The parent-child
relationship includes various boundaries. Healthy
boundaries consider that what the parent and the child
want in a positive way to find a mutually agreeable
solution or limit.
4. Open Communication: - The way the parent and
child communicate sets the tone for the relationship.
The healthy parent-child relationships use positive
communication that separates the child's worth from
5. Discipline: - For healthy parent child relationship
discipline also very important aspect. To finding the
solution of conflicts and behavioral problem helps to
encourage the strong relation rather than punishing
children in an attempt to teach.

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