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edu/today/2014/coping-101-managing-stress-anxiety-and-more/ (Links to an external

Coping 101: Managing Stress, Anxiety, and More by John ORourke
This article college students dealing with stress, home sickness, adjusting to new environment and
learning to live with strangers. Stress levels of all college students have been on a rise. Associated
press poll 85 percent of 2,240 undergraduates experience stress. Freshmen are not more vulnerable
to high levels of stress its just that they experience a big jump in life. The best way to handle stress is
to control your emotions, engage in an activity that makes you feel good such as exercise, social
activity, and community service. Get plenty of rest because sleep helps manage stress.

This article explains that a majority of college students experience stress. What are some ways that
you help reduce stress and what are some activitys you can do?

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