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Lakes Carrxnxuty P*k Com*ittee

PO $AX V84, LAKE H$GHES, CA 93532


$tri*tael D. A$t*r*Yicfi
l-A County SupervisoC Fifth District
1113 West Ave M4, Suit* A, Palmdale, CA g35gt
June 29,2415
Dear Sir:

The Lakes *ammuniff Park Cammitte {L*FC}was fern:+d in ffiruary 2015. The
Committee's misaicn statement defines whc we are: "We *re *rrtmitted to pursue the
creatian of a park syS*r* for the Lak* ar*l We are rycci*caf$ interested i* providing
our children and fufire generations with th* *rst in active and p*ssive recreation close
to home."
$ine February ft* LCPC tra* id*nti*d nirs site* wift tffi, park Stential. Thc park
site next to the Hughes Elizabeth l-ake Unio* Schsl (HELUS) is nu{rtbe{ one on our
prionty list. At eur lulay 21 , ff15, LCPC meting, the Gcmn:iite unanimously agreed
prs{ect should prffi# urith atl *r.r*
t*at the HELUS
}Ye have rep**ed our
action at the Laks ?srn Council meeting held Saturday, Jrse a A01S.
The Committee al* reviewed aur park amenities list for fe H=LU$ pralect The
following park amenities ar* desired for the HELUS Park: Farking, Rmtrooms, $pors
Fields, Gym / Becreatisn center, Trails, PicnicArea, $kat* park, $po*s courts,
PfaSground, Opn &r*, $helter l$hade, lffater Feature, An+p*ffmter, Presrhool, LA
Parks and Recreat*a* Frograms, and Fedestrian acffisstrcr* rsidentia{ areas to the
new park.
The LGPG realize that ser*e d these arnenities are dedo@ in pfrases, but
hopefutty, all these importa*t features wilt etrentually @ms F t st the completed



To show united $*JFprt for tlre HELU$ Park projec'i, lre lrare i*yited HELUS
Superintendent/Principal Mr Steve Martinez to join with a:rsrnmittee in signing this
lefie. Additi**allg $e H=LUS Baard af Trustes has una**rs*l#y passd a resaluti*n
supporting tfle new park projwt, That remlution is atta*lsl ta this




Trendi Miller, Slrairperson - LCPC



Ste*e fifrartiree - HE

LCFC Members:
Kerseg Tracy Be{cher, Evan and Cassardra Mc*onsld,
Jennifer Cathca4 ?ar* Joynt, Paul Henry Jard and Jennifer lsrsen, Cassidy $kelton,
Thomas Cowan, *hris Miller, Neal Weins
Norm Hickli*g - Field Defury for LA County
Rus$ Guiney - Dirrlor - LA county Dryarfrnent of Parks ars Fiecreation
Katherjne King - LAC**nty Parks and Becreatio* Plan*irtg
Jon E. Garga* - LA Caur*y Parks and Resaalton Deputy D,irector
Lola Skelton - Preside*t- HELUS Board of Tn$tees
Ker* Burgdorfer - Presi&*t - Lakes Tonn Ccuncil

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