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His initial physiotherapy treatment goal was

1. Improve ROM and strength.

2. Promote functional mobility
3. Improve STS transfer.
He was able to succeed in terms of initial goals that varied around 3-4 weeks and
his goals were revised to:


standing balance.
ROM for both upper and lower extremities.
strength for both UE and LE.
Ambulatory distance and tolerance.

The exercises that followed were:

1. Passive stretching for both Upper and lower extremity muscles 2-3/ week.
2. Strengthening with Red thera band for both upper extremities, 2-3/ week
3. Mini-squats, Leg swings Hip- flex- ext, Hip-Abd, heel toe rises in walk
standing and step standing positions, 10 reps, 2-3/ week
4. Parallel Bar walking progressed to walking in hallway and sidewalks to 400
feet with 2 ww walker and wheel chair behind, 1-2/ week
5. Step climbing- up and down on a 5 height board.
6. Arm and leg peddler with no resistance10- 15 minutes, 1-2/ week

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