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APPROVED 7/7/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of June 2, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, John Short, Nancy Hall, John Chapman, Pamela Cunningham,
Dave Gilman
Absent: Jim Graham, Dan Otis
Homeowners Present: Carl and Ronda Feague, Bill Paxton, Pat Mick, Bob Stallman
(See attachment for addresses)
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:04 pm by Acting-president Ted Seble
Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting May 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the May
minutes as submitted by Ted, seconded by John Chapman, and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
Carl stated his interest in being on the Board and to volunteer as President. He also mentioned
presenting a plaque or similar token to Dennis and Jenny for their service while on the HOA. Carl was
not able to stay for the whole meeting.
President: Acting Ted Seble
He said that Happy Valley is having their garage/yard sale on June 12 and 13. Info is on their
web site. If homeowners want to participate they can get their name on the official list.
He reported that Pamela Cunningham was now Safety chairman.
Vice-president: Ted Seble
See above.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported completion of the minutes for the May 2015 Board meeting.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman said all the dues invoices all went out and he has received many replies. One
homeowner wrote back saying he wouldnt pay dues because it provided no value. He said for
the dues response as of 6/1/15 the amount collected is $16,694.78. The grand total of all HOA
accounts is $40,394.
He sent out letters to 6 homeowners about needed yard care and 4 have corrected the
problem. One has started and one has done nothing and will receive a 2nd letters. There are two
others that will be sent first notice letters. See attachment for summary.
Jim had provided a verbal report on the drainage work to John. He said that for the drain that
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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

APPROVED 7/7/2015
runs between Kela Court and Derrick Court, the estimate from River City to fix it was $1600.
John will talk to River City to confirm the estimate, as they will use a scope to determine the
amount of work.
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim is absent.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan is absent
John Chapman reported on the problems at the house on 97th. He has communicated with the
owner by email. It was noted that some work has been done on the property but its not clear if
all issues have been resolved. Ted will check it out to confirm.
Architectural: John Short
John Short talked to the homeowner at 10617 SE 99 about requirements for parking an RV on
their property, including screening needed. They also asked about removing a tree and adding a
fence. He approved the plan for the fence but not for the tree removal.
The homeowner at 10072 SE 100 Drive made a request to remove a tree. He has a small maple
tree with a split trunk. John approved it to be removed.
Safety: Pamela Cunningham
Pamela was asking what she is to do as safety chair. The issues that Jenny was working on
were discussed. This includes having the radar speed sign placed on 99th this fall and checking
corners for blocked signs. Pamela will talk to other Board members and check the minutes.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy reported that she attended the Happy Valley planning meeting on May 12 and the Happy
Valley Traffic and Safety Committee meeting on May 14. There was no discussion of Eagles
Landing at either meeting. She sent a letter to ODOT stating the areas concerns about traffic
issues due to the project. She said she has the master plan and will provide it to the Board.
She reported on the SUN CPO meeting held last night. The Eagle Landing representative did
not show, but there was a nice tour of the fire station.
Open Forum
Bill Paxton reported that the bush at 99th and Stevens Way was blocking his view while turning onto
Stevens Way. Pamela will review.
Mrs. Mick (a homeowner at 10567 SE 96th) described access to her backyard, which can only be
accessed via Walkway C due to the way the house was constructed. Her husband is in a wheel
chair and that is his only way to their backyard, so the path needs to be safe. She asked that the
cracks and an uneven part of the path be repaired, and that the overhanging branches be removed.
John Chapman and John Short agreed that the sidewalk should be repaired and John Short will
review with Mrs. Mick. John Chapman said an arborist has to confirm that branches are dangerous.
These are the same branches that were reviewed before by John Short and John Chapman and
found not to be dangerous. John Short and Pamela will review the condition of the pathway with
Mrs. Mick.
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There was discussion on Carl Feagues volunteer offer to be on Board. John Chapman made a motion
to accept Carl to the Board to finish the open position, which is thru 2015. It was seconded by Dave. All
Board members present voted yes. Carl was nominated by Ted to be President for the period thru Dec
2015. Dave seconded. All Board members present approved.
Adjournment: at 8:00 pm by Ted
Next Regular Board Meetings: July 7, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the
month that follows, except in August and December.

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