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In Vedic Astrology, Moon sign represents the sign where Planet Moon was located at the time of

birth. Moon signs play an important role in understanding an individual. Moon is the natural
ruler of the sign Cancer.
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is represented by the symbol crab. The element of this
sign is water, which signifies a highly emotional nature. Moon in Cancer makes a person very
caring, intuitive, generous and spiritually evolved.
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is represented by the symbol crab. The element of this
sign is water, which signifies a highly emotional nature. Those born under this sign are very
caring, intuitive, generous and spiritually evolved.
Positive Traits

They are home loving, very fond of family and domestic harmony.

The sensitive and nurturing nature in them makes friends turn to them in times of need.
They will act as a support to many people, both in the family and beyond. They value
people and their feelings.

Being highly receptive, they pick up easily other`s moods, feelings, emotions, both
positive and negative. This helps them have the intuition of other people`s issues easily
without any difficulty.

They are even handed and impartial in approach while dealing with people. This ability
attracts people to them. They generally manage their day to day life with shrewdness and

Cancerians are eloquent in speech with an attractive voice. They can easily enter into
conversation with anyone and talk on any subject.

Those born under this sign love to mix with all sorts of people. Social activity is very
important to them.

They are highly intuitive and imaginative. They seek creative expression of their moods
and imagination through cooking, writing and listening to music.

Negative Traits

They are highly sensitive and self protective. They withdraw into their shells when hurt.

They exhibit complex behavior patterns. They do not share their inner world with the
rest. They crave for mental security all their lives.

Cancerians reflect the qualities of the changing moon with mood swings from high to
low. This makes them prone to pessimism and suspicion. Setbacks and failures affect
them a lot. They always doubt people`s intentions and check on everything.

They are extremely introverted and hide their feelings behind a tough exterior.
Sometimes their rude behavior shown is to hide their complexes and insecurities.

They are born worriers. They keep their worries to themselves and do not show their
feelings outwardly.

They find it difficult to let go of their past. They are sometimes self centered, thoughtless
and deceitful.

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