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Basic Psychological Skills II

Spring semester
Urszula Szulc
ECTS: 3 (30 h)
OFFICE HOURS: After classes and by appointment
Course Description
The aim of this course is to learn and practice skills related to accurate observation,
responsive listening, interviewing strategies, effective interpersonal communication;
working with individuals and groups. In class workshops students will have the
opportunity to practice basic psychological skills and helping behaviors through roleplays, case examples, dialogues etc. The basic purpose of this course is to provide a
foundation for students to develop the human relations skills they need to build
effective helping relationships. Effective communication is the core of the helping
process and allows for more satisfying relationships of all types.
Course Schedule of Topics

Introduction and course organization. Team-building

The Helping Relationship
Listening and Responding Alternatives
Phrasing an Accurate Understanding Response
Practicing Verbal Responses
The Helping Interview. Initial Contact. Drawing Out the Helpee.
Clarification of Presenting Problem. Contract.
Intensive Exploration of Problems. Establishment of Possible Goals and
9. Resistance. Working with Reluctant Clients.
10. Working with Groups. Introduction to Workshop Design. Planning Guidelines
11-14. Conducting workshops. The Facilitator in Action!
15. Overview, Review and Summary

McKay, M., Davis, M., Fanning, P. (1995). Messages: The communication skills
book. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Written Assignments
1. Workshop
2. Interview with Individual Client
Note: Full details (written instructions and suggested readings) of the assignments
will be given at the beginning of the course.
Course Requirements And Grading
Final grade will include attendance, participation and written assignments.
Assignments will account for 90% of your grade (workshop 45% and interview 45%
= 90% total), attendance and participation will account for 10% of your grade.

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