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6 Roots and Zeros, Rational Zero Theorem

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra-Every polynomial equation with degree greater than zero has at least one root
in the set of complex numbers. Corollary- A polynomial equation of the from P(x)= 0 of n degree, will have exactly n
roots in the set of complex numbers.

Ex 1. Solve each equation. State the number and type of roots. ST1

a. x + 3 = 0 a. x-10=0

b. x2 -8x+16=0 b. x2 +2x-48=0

c. x3-2x=0 c. 3x3-18x=0

d. x4-1=0 d.x4-16=0

Decartes’ Rule of Signs

A – The number of positive real roots of y = P(X) is the same as the number of changes in the sign of the coefficients of
the terms
of P(x), or is less than this by an even number.
B – The number of negative real roots of y = P(X) is the same as the number of changes in the sign of the coefficients
of the terms
of P(-x), or is less than this by an even number.

Ex2 Find the number of positive and negative zeros. St 2 p(x) = -x6+4x3-2x2-x-1
P(x) = x5-6x4-3x3+7x2-8x+1
+ - i Tot

+ - i Tot
Rational Zero Theorem – If the coefficients of a polynomial function are integers, then the only possible rational zeros
are given
by PQ where P is a divisor of the constant term and
Q is a divisor of the leading coefficient

Ex 3 Identify all possible rational zeros. St 3

f(x) = 2x3-11x2+12x-4 a. f(x) = 3x4-x3+4

b. f(x) = x4+7x3-15

Ex 4 Find all possible rational zeros. St 4

a. f(x) = x3-4x2+6x-4 a. f(x) = x3-x2+2x+4

b. f(x) = 2x4-13x3+23x2-52x+60 b. f(x) = x4+x3-19x2+11x+30

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