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Jenny Zhao | Division 01| LHS Key Club



Event: Officer Conference Training (OTC)

Location: Downtown Magnet HS
Address: 1081 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA
Date: June 20, 2015
Time: 11:00- 2:00 pm
This was my first OTC I have ever attended,
unexpectedly many people came. Those who attended
were from Abraham Lincoln, Cathedral, Downtown
Magnets, Oscar De La Hoya and Santa Monica. We
started with icebreakers to get familiar with everyone
and at the same time given a program of what we will
be doing throughout the day. We were divided into
different rooms to learn from our guest speakers and
others. Our guest Speakers were Lieutenant Governors Julie Trinh and Angelica Roxas from 13 North and
South. After a series of rotations we had lunch, a few announcements, and OTC was adjourned.

Event: District Conference Meeting

Location: Santa Monica Beach
Address: 200 Santa Monica Pier, Santa
Monica, CA 90401
Date: June 27, 2015
Time: 12:00- 3:00 pm
Having a DCM in a beach was a first. It
took about 2 hours to get there and not many
people arrive until about thirty minutes later. To
kill some time we played catch with a football
and cards. Those who attended were from
Abraham Lincoln, cathedral, downtown Magnets,
Oscar de la Hoya, Palisades, Jefferson ABC, and
New tech. After that we moved a little further in
so that everyone can form a circle and see our
host Lieutenant Governor Karl Lin. We said our pledges and announcements given be a representative of
each club. As always we played ice breakers. After that we were distributed throughout the beach to clean
up the beach by picking up trash. After cleaning for an hour, we were free to have fun and do whatever we
wanted at the beach, such as play in the water, play football, and socialize with other members.

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