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Mary Foy

Candidate for National Policy Forum

North East and Cumbria
Hi, Im standing to represent the North East and Cumbria on
Labours National Policy Forum.
I believe my experience, knowledge and vision for a fairer
and more just society would equip me well to make a
positive contribution to Labour Party Policy.
Please take a moment to read my personal statement below
before casting your vote, and if you have any questions
dont hesitate to get in touch.
Tel: 07786 591685
Personal Statement
We know we face a dangerous onslaught from the
Tory government hitting the poorest and most
vulnerable hardest. Now more than ever we need to stand
up for our values of equality, solidarity and hope; and
believe in changing society for the better.
My experience as a working-class woman, parent and carer
to my disabled daughter, community development worker,
trade unionist and councillor will help Labour Party policy
better reflect the needs and aspirations of people in the
North East and Cumbria.
As we rebuild to take on the Tories we must make the most
of our members including the thousands of new people
who have joined us. I am totally committed to maximising
opportunities for members to have greater influence in
determining Party policy based on the interests of our
region and the people and communities our party exists
to serve. Its needed now more than ever.
CLP nominations
Blaydon, Berwick Upon Tweed, Easington, Gateshead,
Jarrow, Middlesbrough, Newcastle Upon Tyne Central,
North Tyneside, Stockton North and Sunderland Central.
Printed and promoted by Paul Foy on behalf of Mary Foy
both at 146 Mount Road, Birtley, Co. Durham DH3 1BL


My Policy Priorities
4 Equality and Prosperity Our policies must be founded upon
equality and prosperity for all and strongly committed to the
collective aspirations of our communities.
4 Skills and Full-employment We must invest in developing a
high-skilled economy that provides decent work for all,
recognising the varying needs and potentials of each region.
4 Rebuilding Public Services in Public Ownership Councils must
be given the power and resources to provide the vital public
services attacked by the Tories. Key public services and utilities,
such as railways and energy, should be publicly owned.
4 Health and Wellbeing Establish a National Health and
Social Care Service and halt the privatisation of health services.
Tackle the neglect of mental health services and recognise the
invaluable role of carers.
4 Decent and Affordable Homes Large scale house building in
the public as well as private sector and end the exploitation of
private-rented tenants.
4 Quality Education Throughout Life Realising the full potential
of every person; valuing teachers; and Local Authorities given
the power to plan for the educational needs of the community.
4 Rights at Work Labour must restore workers rights stripped
away by the Tories and repeal their anti-trade union legislation;
introduce a genuine Living Wage for all ages and end zero-hour

My Experience
I was born and grew up in Jarrow and have lived all my life in the
North East. I am married and have three grown up children. I have
had a career in community development work and studied as a
mature student for a degree in social sciences, which included
major units on social policy, industrial relations and international
I have been an active member of the Labour Party for over
25 years and served in a number of positions at branch and
constituency level. I have made three platform speeches at Labour
Party Conferences (Remploy Workers motion 2007, the Health
Debate 2009 and the Health Debate 2010) and I worked with the
Shadow Health team on Labours health policy review during the
last Parliament.
I was first elected to Gateshead Council in 2006 and previously
served as a town councillor. I have been a Cabinet Member since
2009 and held the Health portfolio for five years before being
given responsibility for Economic Growth and Financial Inclusion.
I know the devastating impact austerity is having on people and
the need for Labour to present an alternative.

My Commitment
I want to see grass-roots members far more involved in
developing and deciding Labour Party Policy. The structures for
doing this need modernising. I would see my role as a member of
the National Policy Forum primarily as a voice for members, CLPs
and our Region. I will be committed to attending constituency
meetings and arranging opportunities for members to contribute
to policy making.


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