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Floppy disk:

The floppy disk was the most popular storage device in

the 90s, because it was a portable and a cheap device.
To introduce it, Its capacity, in the last version was
1.44 Mb, and it had magnetic technology. In addition, its
dimension were 8.9 cm of width and 9.3 cm of height. One
of mainly features were that the floppy disk were made of
plastic, due to that, it was flexible, but the stored
information was very inestable for it
From the other hand, due to the increase of program
size, this device was dropped, because the magnetic
technology, in this device could not more capacity. SIGUE
and the memory stick replaced it, mainly for QUITA EL FOR
as a consequence of the raise of capacity and for QUITA EL
FOR the raise of stability of stored information therein.
From the other hand, this device was dropped, because the
magnetic technology, in this device, could not more
La traduccin tuya literal es este dispositivo se caa porque
la tecnologa magntica, en este dispositivo no poda ms
capacidad. No s si es lo que quieres decir. Yo dira:

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