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World War I Homework, Part 1

Lesson 1
Main Idea
Militarism & Alliances:

Imperialism & Nationalism:

An Assassination Brings War:

The Neutrality Debate:

Moving Toward War:

The U.S. Declares War:

10 Key Details

Lesson 2
Main Idea
Wartime Agencies:

Mobilizing the Workforce:

Shaping Public Opinion:

Supreme Court Limits Free Speech:

Volunteers & Conscripts:

Women Join the Military:

10 Key Details

Writing Prompt: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the question:

Should the United States have entered World War I? Why or why not? Cite
at least three facts or details from the textbook in order to support your
answer. Answers should be no shorter than 250 words. If possible, please
type your response and e-mail me a copy of the file. (However, I understand
that you may not be able to access a computer or the internet. Hand-written
responses are acceptable as well.)

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