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Dear Emily (Ms.

Kathy Foster
and Al),

at the party, and I hope youre

doing well.

Thank you very much for the

graduation card and gift. The
$20.14 was a very clever idea,
and I appreciated the thought
that went into it. I hope you (all)
are doing well, and good luck
Emily next year in college!
Youre going to do amazing

Thank you!

Thank you!

Dear Grandmom and Grandpop,

Thank you for my graduation
gift. It will be very helpful as I
save as much as I can to
prepare for college. And
Grandpop, is was great to see
you out and about and at the
party. I hope you had a good
time. I hope Ill be seeing you
both before I leave for school.

Dear Hailey, Kate, Pete, Ren,

and Nat,
Thank you guys so much for
everything over the past 2 years
or so. Its been great getting to
know you guys and Im going to
miss you a ton next year. Thank
you also for the graduation gifts.
The pretzels always go fast, and
the money will be useful as I
prepare to head off to college.
And Ren, thank you for the
Freshman Friday notes. I gotta
warn you though, I may have
some of my friends give you one
extra Freshman Friday shove for
me while Im gone.
Thank you all again!

Dear Maria,
Thank you!

Dear Grandmom,
Although I already called you to
thank you for my graduation
gift, I wanted to take the time
and thank you again. It will be
an immense help as I prepare to
go off to college in the fall, and
save as much money as
possible. It was great to see you

It was awesome to see you

again at my party. Thank you for
coming, and Im glad you got to
enjoy PA for a while after. Thank
you so much for the little
bassoon figure you found. My
mom said shes seen those all
over, but could never find a
bassoon one. I have it sitting on
my bookshelf right now, and Its
going to get prime real estate in
my dorm room. Thank you
again, and stay in touch!


Thank you for my graduation

card and gift. It will be very
useful as I make the transition
off to college, especially being
able to buy things online rather
than with cash. And also, thank
you for coming to my party. It
was a lot of fun singing on the
dance floor with you. Hope to
see you soon before I leave!

Dear Aunt Jean,

Thank you!

Thank you very much for your

gift, and for coming to my grad
party. It meant a lot to see you
there. And the gift will be very
helpful as I prepare to go off to
college, and save as much
money as I can to help with the
Thank you!
Dear Aunt Kathy, Nicole,
Michael, and Dan,
Thank you all for my graduation
gift, and for coming to the party.
It was great to see you all again.
The gift will be very helpful, as I
try to set aside as much money
as possible for heading off to
college next year. Hopefully Ill
get a chance to see you all
again before the end of the
Thank you again!
Dear Stacey,

Dear Greers,
Thank you for the graduation
gift, and for coming to my party.
You all have been like family
since we became neighbors, and
it was great to see you all. And
Jamie, thank you especially for
your note. I smiled like a moron
while reading it. I know I will be
seeing a lot of you guys since
you live across the street, but I
wanted to give you a formal
thank you. Not only for the
graduation gift, but for the past
however many years youve
been there for me.
Thank you!
Dear Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris,
Thank you both very much for
my graduation gift. As Im
preparing to go off to college,
its important for me to set
aside as much money as
possible to help ease the

transition. It was great to see

you both and the party, and
thank you again!

and much nicer than being over

in Wildwood.


Thank you!

Dear Kristen and Pat,

Dear Billy and Christina,

Thank you so much for my

graduation gift. It will be very
helpful as I prepare to make the
transition into college. It was
great to see you both at the
party. Good luck with the new
house, and with the baby on the

Thank you both for coming to

the party, and my graduation
gift. It will be very useful as I
make the transition into college,
and attempt to start living
independently. It was great to
see you, and congrats on your

Thank you!

Thank you!

Dear Hannah,
YAAASSSSSS. Haha thank you so
much for coming to my party,
and singing, and for your gift.
Im glad we got so close this
year, and I hope youll stay in
touch through the year. You belt
them high notes girl!
Thank you!
Dear Uncle Tom, Aunt Suzie,
Tommy and Brian,
Thank you all for the graduation
gift. It will be very helpful as I
make the transition to college
life. And I know I keep saying it,
but thank you again for letting
us use the shore house for
senior week. It was a great time,

Dear Sabrina,
Youre the best haha. Seriously
though, thank you for my
graduation present. It was really
sweet and nice of you. Im going
to miss you so much next year,
and I hope you keep in touch
and keep me updated with all
the fun things going on at
Springfield. Love you!!!
Thank you!
Dear Aunt Elain, Uncle Steve,
Daniel, Patrick, and William,

Thank you for coming to my

party, and for my graduation
gift. It will be very helpful as I
make the transition into college
life and living independently.
Looking forward to seeing you
all before I head off to Virginia!

gift. It was a very nice gesture,

and will help a lot with the
transition into college life. Thank
you again!

Thank you!

Dear Emma,


Thank you for my graduation

present, and for coming to the
party. It was nice to see you
guys again, and your gift will be
helpful as I make the transition
into college life. Thank you

You are my favorite. I love you

so much. Thank you for singing
at my party, and for the gift. It
was a really nice gesture, and
will help a ton with making the
transition into college life. Ill
see you the rest of the summer,
but please stay in touch after I
get off to school. (and also
thank you for being the best
prom date ever).



Dear Denise and Tom,

Dear Mark,
Thank you for my graduation
gift, and for coming to the party.
Its important to me to save as
much money as possible before
heading off to college, and your
gift will help with that.
Thank you!
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for coming to the
party, and for my graduation

Dear Stacy,
Gahhhh I love you so much. Its
going to be so hard not seeing
you every Tuesday and
Thursday at the ass-crack of
dawn. Youre so talented and
amazing and you still have 2
more amazing years at SHS. As
much as you want to complain
about it, enjoy it while you can.
Make sure youre doing your
best so that you can get into an

amazing college and then take

on the world as a fierce opera
diva! Never lose touch! And also
thank you for the graduation
gift. It was the sweetest, just like

Dear Dan and Kathy,

Thank you for coming to the
party, and for my graduation
gift. It was a very nice gesture,
and will help a lot with the
transition into college life. Thank
you again!

Dear Lauren,
Bassoon buddies for life, no? Its
been so great watching you
grow over the past couple years,
and Im excited for you to keep
coming into your years at SHS.
Dont throw away your future,
because its a bright one. Please
stay in touch, and let me know
how good old Shirley Curtiss is
doing. Thank you for my
graduation gift. Youre the best.
Thank You!

Dear Uncle Larry, Aunt Amy,

Molly, and Laney,
Thank you for my graduation
gift! It will help immensely with
making the transition into
college and independent living.
And Aunt Amy, I hope youre
feeling better. I hope to see you
all again before I head off to
college. Thank you again!!

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