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The Engineer

in Society - February 2072



- Februa ry 2012


Date: 05 Febru.ary 2012




Time alluwerl: 3 huurs

Instructions to Candidates
Before answering the question paper, read and understand the instructions given below.

Answer FOUR questions only. At least ONE of them should be from SECTION I and
others from SECTION ll.

Each question carries 25 marks.


Answers to each question should be on a separate answer books, as they will be

marked Qy separate examiners.
Ensure that you write your index number and question number clearly on g[!_answer

It is important that you write question number to which you answer in the cage
provided on the cover page.

attention to legibility, grammar, spelling and punctuation marks, in addition to

the relevance, organization and style of presentation.

Answers to all questions are expected in essay form, unless otherwise specified in the
relevant question.
Rough work (if any) may be embodied in the answers, but should be struck out with a
single line. No marks will be given for rough work. Do not tear any pages from answer

Marks will be deducted if the above requirements are not met.


The Engineer in Society


- Februory


sEcTroN 1



Act No.17 of 1968 declares ten Objects of the lnstitution, six of which are given below.


Choosing any four, comment on whether the IESL has met these Objectives, whether they have fallen

short of the Objective, what needs to be done

to meet the Objective and how the Engineering

profession can be developed/strengthened by these Objectives.

a) To help in the acquisition and interchange of technical knowledge by reading



communications and discussions thereon, by establishing and maintaining technical libraries,

publications on matters of professional interests and any such other means;

b) To promote the study of engineering and to encourage original research with a view to facilitate
the scientific and economic development and the conservation of the resources of Ceylon;

c) To conduct examinations qualifying for membership of the lnstitute, to test the competence of
persons engaged in engineering and to grant certificates of competence;

d) To assess the eligibility of candidates for admission to the various grades of membership;
e) To give the Government and other public bodies and others the facilities for conference with
and ascertaining the views of engineers as regards matters directly or indirectly affecting


To encourage and assist in the settlement of disputes by arbitration and to nominate arbitrators
and umpires;

Question 2
Clause 3 of the IESL Code of Ethics states that "Engineers shall build

their reputation on merit and shall

not compete unfairly."

This requirement is to ensure that engineers shall not seek to gain a benefit by improper means. Of the

eight ways in which this is to be observed, describe four and give an example in each case as to how the
code of Ethics may be violated and what steps must be taken to avoid this.


The Engineer in Society

Februory 2072

sEcTtoN 2

Question 3

With reference to Sri Lanka, discuss the role of the construction sector in infrastructure development
and in the national economy over the last decade.,. How does this compare with the present situation?

Question 4

Discuss the factors

to be considered in converting

a final cost estimate

for a project into a 'project

budget' compatible with an organisation's cost accounts.


Discuss suitable Progress Monitoring Techniques and explaih the 'monitoring' and 'information'

systems you would implement on a project, preferably a construction project, to monitor the

Question 5

lf Sri Lanka were to emulate the sustained economic groMh of countries such as China and
lndia, what sort of role do you envisage for our engineers? Should they be on tap, or should they
be on top? lf the latter, how should engineers direct the commanding heights of the Sri Lankan


lf the former, what should they do to enhance product research,


engineering, and conceptual design?

Question 5
Management education in the form

of MBA's, etc. seems to be the "in thing" these days for

professionals such as engineers. Haven't engineers gone too far in this direction and forgotten

the immense practical value of disciplines such as Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Literature,

which, in their own distinctive ways, probe the depths

relationships? Discuss.

of the

human condition and


The Engineer in Society

- Februdry 2012

Question 7

As reported in 2005, approximate composition of post consumer waste in the Colombo

Municipal was 83% biodegradable,6Yo Polythene/Plastic, paper 7%o and metallic 2%. The

average generation was 700 Kg per day. Analyzing the above data justify the

statement "Waste


is a valuable resource" and describe options

recycle) concept.

to manage these waste using the 3R (reduce, reuse,

Question 8
The CEO is interested in reducing the GHG emission of the company by tO% within the next
year. Taking your work environment as an example writes a concept paper to the CEO on how
this target could be achieved.

Question 9
'The country is facing a serious balance of payment problem. The huge impending trade deficit

this year will determine the course of action to correct it. Currency devaluation is a situation,
where the value of a particular currency is devalued either by automatic market forces, or by
intentionally devaluing as a one of the remedial measures to correct trade imbalance. Whatever
be the arguments for and against the depreciation, the ultimate verdict

will be given by the

economic forces.'


Discuss three major issues in the present context of devaluation or even depreciation


the Rupee by 3% at the last budget.


What are the arguments for and against the depreciation of the Rupee from the point of
view of economists and politicians? Do you think that the exchange rate adjustment in this
way is a step in the right direction and a boost to the economy? Discuss.

Question 10

"Plastic crate saga" caused rampage in the market place in Decembe r 20t1. What was this
plastic crate saga? Explain.


ldentify and discuss post harvest and plastic crate issues related to transport of fresh
produce in the country. Critically analyse and address these issues and propose viable
solutions, so that all stake holders are at a win-win situation.


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